Guys i just rebuilt my portfolio and have 100% site health on semflow and 99% on semrush but google search console cant index for some reason, Can some one please help me
6 Replies
my robotstxt file
User-agent: *
Allow: /
Sitemap: https://www.jacksonswebdesign.net/sitemap.xml
Hey @Clayton - DNS lookup is failing for https://jacksonwebdesign.net/
did you set www to default in the webflow settings? did you set any 301 redirects up when you migrated from your old site?
send a couple screenshot from the webflow publishing and SEO pages.
who is your dns provider? This is probably an issue with how your domain name is mapping to your dns.
what is your sie / domain?
You forgot to add 'www' and the letter 's' at the end of the word 'jackon' in the canonical tag.
Have you added the sitemap URL to GSC?
What exactly did you do with the redirects? I see that your old URLs are still indexed.
sorry for the late reply, Thanks for the help guys i just made a beginner mistake