Custom grid structure in filament
Why not just use the Grid component?
20 replies
Looping through multiple Livewire components containing Filament Action crashes Firefox/Safari
Nice solution @Hugo Myb.
I have reverted back to Wire Elements so I am not using your fix for the moment, but I will definitely keep it in mind!
11 replies
Looping through multiple Livewire components containing Filament Action crashes Firefox/Safari
Same on my end. I failed to find a solution and went back to dynamic modals with wire elements and setting up a form with inside a classic Livewire component. Not great because that means maintaining two logics at the same time.
11 replies
Looping through multiple Livewire components containing Filament Action crashes Firefox/Safari
One workaround I've found is to move the logic to the parent component instead of keeping it within the lazy-loaded dropdown content. Then, you can trigger the Filament action with
. This approach ensures the action is only loaded once rather than multiple times. I tested it, and it works well.
However, what I don't like about this solution is that the logic is now separated from the dropdown content. This means that every time I use the dropdown, I have to remember to include the action logic in the parent component (hopping there is one). Additionally, if I want to use the dropdown as a standalone component (on a page with just one option), it won't function properly.11 replies
How to add mentions on the Filament RichEditor field?
Take a look at this minimal example using Alpine.JS:
5 replies
Handling dispatch events with named parameters in Filament Action
Yes, of course!
The trace is attached. I also took the time to create a minimal repo. Just go to
to reproduce it.
Let me know if I can do anything to assist.9 replies
Handling dispatch events with named parameters in Filament Action
That's a great idea! And thanks for all your work with Filament.
Quick question, how would you deal with component injection inside a Livewire component?
According to the documentation I just need to pass
Component $livewire
I end up with something like:
Filament\Forms\ComponentContainer::make(): Argument #1 ($livewire) must be of type Filament\Forms\Contracts\HasForms, App\Livewire\Header\Dropdown\SwitchTeam given
Am I missing something here?
9 replies