•Created by Radvin on 7/7/2024 in #questions
I need help with Iptable (i dont know anything about it)
The server version is: 1.21
im using the latest Java version
Alright so i recently created a minecraft server and I can join it without any problems but my friends cant.
I was searching the forum and i found someone with my exact problem this is the link to that forum:
and so he mentioned that he fixed it like this:
Checked 'sudo iptables -S' rule set to confirm proper rules were in place.
Noticed 25565 was not present. Flushed all rules with 'sudo iptables -F'
Confirmed rules were flushed, again 'sudo iptables -S'
Re-enabled most common rules: SSH, HTTP, HTTPS and 25565
sudo ufw allow
sshsudo ufw allow
httpsudo ufw allow
httpssudo ufw allow 25565
sudo ufw enable
Launched minecraft server, and confirmed connectivity with canyouseeme.org.Problem resolved!
can someone help me do this
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