Luan Vieira
Luan Vieira
Created by Luan Vieira on 11/19/2024 in #help
Transfer ownership in free plan
I'm working on a personal project for a friend, but I will not keep the workspace for myself. I've seen that you can add members to the workspace and assign them as owners but I think the option is available only to Pro members. There is a way to do this with the free plan?
3 replies
Created by Luan Vieira on 4/6/2023 in #help
Table not found in schema
Hey, guys, I'm using Xata through API and in every request to the endpoints I've got the message "Table xyz not found in schema". This is some kind of setting that I'm too dumb to understand or something that I'm missing? The request are being completely successful, tho. Thanks.
4 replies