Created by RuZZZZ on 6/4/2024 in #β“β”Šhelp
Button->Action to copy text?
protected function getActions(): array { return [ ButtonAction::make('copyDetails') ->label('Copy Details') ->color('primary') ->action('copyDetailsToClipboard') ]; } Is it possible to make this button copy text (obtained from the service or the model) to the user's clipboard? If yes, please kindly point me πŸ™‚ Thanks!!
4 replies
Created by RuZZZZ on 6/4/2024 in #β“β”Šhelp
user registration->email verification?
Hey guys! Very simple expectations: User registers, gets an email, verifies email, access to panel granted. Until email is verified, can see a simple page that requires email verification and logout button. I added: ->login() ->registration() ->passwordReset() ->emailVerification() Also, in user: class User extends Authenticatable implements FilamentUser, MustVerifyEmail public function canAccessPanel(Panel $panel): bool { return $this->hasVerifiedEmail(); } Once I register, I a get 403, also, I get an email from laravel, but can't verify, when link clicked, I also get 403 πŸ™‚ Is there any good paper/document/tutotial on how to implement this? I checked website/s, this discord, reddit, chatgpt, claude πŸ™‚ Thanks!
17 replies