Created by sh03 on 11/24/2024 in #support
Background jobs in Solid Start
don't think it does yet. symbol search doesn't find it in current. Will get back to this in a week or so and check releases for anything new then. thanks for tips!
37 replies
Created by sh03 on 11/24/2024 in #support
Background jobs in Solid Start
too granular, ok, I'll maybe do a hash at buildtime from the output of the server functions or something. will think on it.
37 replies
Created by sh03 on 11/24/2024 in #support
Background jobs in Solid Start
any suggestions for us being able to read a deployment is different? we aren't versioning the package.json in every deployment and not every deployment needs a user to refresh their browser. but we will need a way to know that the server function hashes have changed overall to cause a client refresh.
37 replies
Created by sh03 on 11/24/2024 in #support
Background jobs in Solid Start
Question about server functions. Are they safe in the current model? For example, you deploy an app and a function is turned into server function x-server-id: c_10m2j52#$$function0 and x-server-instance: server-fn:32 ... but the hash is from the file name, and the function number is from the ordinal in the file, so what happens if you insert a function in the file, causing the ordinals to shift, but a client is still running and is out of date with the server calling the wrong ordinal? What is the protection across deployments here?
37 replies