Created by nhayder on 3/30/2024 in #❓┊help
Add list table inside of form element? how to do that ?
in my laravel 11 app i'm using filament to build my dashboard, things a going well till i got this issue, let me explain. I have a $user->documents (hasMeny) relationship that i need to display on the user profile page. the user profile has multiple tabs (profile, documents, payments, tickets ... etc) under the documents tab and i need to add user documents. return $form ->schema([ Forms\Components\Tabs::make('Tabs') ->tabs([ Forms\Components\Tabs\Tab::make('Profile') ->icon('heroicon-m-user') ->schema([ ... i have the update form for user here ]), Forms\Components\Tabs\Tab::make('Documents') ->icon('heroicon-o-document-text') ->badge(2) ->schema([ ... this is where i need to show a list of user documents inside this tab ]), Forms\Components\Tabs\Tab::make('Trips') ->icon('heroicon-o-truck') ->schema([ // ... ]), ])->columnSpan(2), ]); the document list should have the ability to preform CRUD operations on the documents model. how to do that ??? any ideas????
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