console error ':popover-open' is not a valid selector
Is it filaments error or livewire?
In console shows error: "uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Element.querySelectorAll: ':popover-open' is not a valid selector" and nothings shows on screen. If I hit refresh, then loads panel, or open in new tab, alsou shows, but clicking on links get error.
Can it be, because my Firefox version is 115.4.0esr?
4 replies
Import CSV multiple columns in one relationship
Is it possible to import CSV with multiple columns in one relationship column (determine if there is such a person - by two columns: name and birth_date). CSV has seperate columns - name and birth_date
1 replies
ListRecords page display records from three diferent tables (based on firlter values)
Hi. I have a question. Is it possible in one resource/ListRecords page display records from three diferent tables, like merged in one collection (based on firlter values)? Maybe someone have a example?
4 replies
Select or Create in attach modal freezes (no scroll)
When in RealitionManager choose attach and in select there is no wanted record, choose create witch opens new modal for create. Then It's creates, closes create modal, selects active record in select and you can attach. After modal closes, screen lost it's scroll. All actions works, but scroll returns after refresh the page.
7 replies
Forms\Components\Select with relationship loads all records from DB
My code
Post.php - Model
From DB selects all users. Its all table records.. (not enogth RAM) Also from people table is the same..
And PHP crashed because off memory exhausted..
2 replies
Custom AttachAction
Can someone can help?
I have peoples connected thru polymorphic relation MorphToMany.
When I attach person to person, in db I get
The questions is:
Ho to customize AttachAction to get records in db in both directions, so on both persons I get relation with each other?
7 replies
Rewrite Global search
Maybe someone will need a solution for rewrite global search.
It's searches by different column (in my case PostgreSql full text search column - tsvector data type)
I did it like this.
Enable global search
Rewrite global search results (getGlobalSearchResults)
Maybe someone can give better solution..
1 replies