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DTDrizzle Team
Created by dsds10 on 10/20/2023 in #help
Planetscale db:push has issues with default values
Warning You are about to execute current statements:

ALTER TABLE `comments` MODIFY COLUMN `created_at` timestamp DEFAULT (now());
ALTER TABLE `comments` MODIFY COLUMN `updated_at` timestamp DEFAULT (now());
ALTER TABLE `follows` MODIFY COLUMN `created_at` timestamp DEFAULT (now());
ALTER TABLE `media` MODIFY COLUMN `metadata` json DEFAULT ('{}');
ALTER TABLE `media` MODIFY COLUMN `created_at` timestamp DEFAULT (now());
ALTER TABLE `media` MODIFY COLUMN `updated_at` timestamp DEFAULT (now());
ALTER TABLE `post_actions` MODIFY COLUMN `created_at` timestamp DEFAULT (now());
ALTER TABLE `posts` MODIFY COLUMN `created_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT (now());
ALTER TABLE `posts` MODIFY COLUMN `updated_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT (now());
ALTER TABLE `users` MODIFY COLUMN `is_creator` boolean NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `users` MODIFY COLUMN `is_creator` boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false;
ALTER TABLE `users` MODIFY COLUMN `gender` text NOT NULL DEFAULT ('other');
ALTER TABLE `users` MODIFY COLUMN `created_at` timestamp DEFAULT (now());
ALTER TABLE `users` MODIFY COLUMN `updated_at` timestamp DEFAULT (now());
Warning You are about to execute current statements:

ALTER TABLE `comments` MODIFY COLUMN `created_at` timestamp DEFAULT (now());
ALTER TABLE `comments` MODIFY COLUMN `updated_at` timestamp DEFAULT (now());
ALTER TABLE `follows` MODIFY COLUMN `created_at` timestamp DEFAULT (now());
ALTER TABLE `media` MODIFY COLUMN `metadata` json DEFAULT ('{}');
ALTER TABLE `media` MODIFY COLUMN `created_at` timestamp DEFAULT (now());
ALTER TABLE `media` MODIFY COLUMN `updated_at` timestamp DEFAULT (now());
ALTER TABLE `post_actions` MODIFY COLUMN `created_at` timestamp DEFAULT (now());
ALTER TABLE `posts` MODIFY COLUMN `created_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT (now());
ALTER TABLE `posts` MODIFY COLUMN `updated_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT (now());
ALTER TABLE `users` MODIFY COLUMN `is_creator` boolean NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `users` MODIFY COLUMN `is_creator` boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false;
ALTER TABLE `users` MODIFY COLUMN `gender` text NOT NULL DEFAULT ('other');
ALTER TABLE `users` MODIFY COLUMN `created_at` timestamp DEFAULT (now());
ALTER TABLE `users` MODIFY COLUMN `updated_at` timestamp DEFAULT (now());
Just tried to update my database, was prototyping it for some time, and thought I should sync it again (actually to add a property). Now I can see that there are a lot of default sets (unnecessary, as they are like so in the db), and especially the ones for "timestamp" are not working. Repeatidly getting error for an invalid default value:
target: hush.-.primary: vttablet: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = Invalid default value for 'created_at' (errno 1067) (sqlstate 42000) (CallerID: y4tgjk3s3x4hy562qtn7): Sql: "alter table posts modify column updated_at timestamp not null default (now())", BindVars: {REDACTED}
target: hush.-.primary: vttablet: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = Invalid default value for 'created_at' (errno 1067) (sqlstate 42000) (CallerID: y4tgjk3s3x4hy562qtn7): Sql: "alter table posts modify column updated_at timestamp not null default (now())", BindVars: {REDACTED}
Even if I manually modify the database hoping drizzle-kit would then forget these updates, it doesn't work. Running all on drizzle's latest versions.
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