UBUniversal Blue
Created by 空調 on 5/8/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
Steam Proton games wont launch
Hello, I just recently rebased to Bazzite-gnome from Silverblue-main and discovered that my steam proton games won't launch. Originally I was running steam flatpak and games were running fine. I tried searching here for a solution but I didn't find one, so I hope this hasn't been already posted. I have tried the following in no particular order: -trying different proton versions (experimental, 9, and 8, it having worked on 8 before) -clearing steam download cache -deleting compatdata for the game -deleting proton* and steamlinuxruntime* from 'common' folders -verify integrity of game files -restarting and updating the system -launching in big picture mode -launching with gamescope, lol -launching with PROTON_LOG=1, will attach latest log below I also tried one of my non steam games through lutris and it launches there. Still somewhat of a Linux novice, any help is appreciated.
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