Steam Proton games wont launch

Hello, I just recently rebased to Bazzite-gnome from Silverblue-main and discovered that my steam proton games won't launch. Originally I was running steam flatpak and games were running fine. I tried searching here for a solution but I didn't find one, so I hope this hasn't been already posted. I have tried the following in no particular order: -trying different proton versions (experimental, 9, and 8, it having worked on 8 before) -clearing steam download cache -deleting compatdata for the game -deleting proton* and steamlinuxruntime* from 'common' folders -verify integrity of game files -restarting and updating the system -launching in big picture mode -launching with gamescope, lol -launching with PROTON_LOG=1, will attach latest log below I also tried one of my non steam games through lutris and it launches there. Still somewhat of a Linux novice, any help is appreciated.
9 Replies
termdisc10mo ago
I see that your games are downloaded to /var/mnt/paizuri/Closet. what file system is this drive?
空調OP10mo ago
termdisc10mo ago
have you installed any games on the internal/boot drive and tried running them from there?
空調OP10mo ago
just tried it and it and it seems to be working what do you think could be the issue?
termdisc10mo ago
my initial instinct was that the drive that you store the games on was an improper file system such as NTFS but if that drive is btrfs, that wouldn't be the issue I had in mind your compatdata folder might be misdirected by a bad symlink perhaps?
空調OP10mo ago
hmm i tried steam flatpak again and it just works™️ again on my 2nd drive, but if i try with the system one it doesn't work 🤔 actually now that i look at it, system steam is putting proton and linuxruntime in its own common folder while flatpak is not will system steam not install its proton and compatdata onto an external storage library? ah, joke's on me, some games still won't launch even when fresh installed on boot drive
wolfyreload10mo ago
If you look up the steam id of the game, sometimes it's worth nuking the compatdata of the game and trying to relaunch. Also sometimes proton doesn't close properly from the last game. For that you can use the script ujust fix-proton-hang
空調OP10mo ago
i did that as part of my fresh install, proton and linuxruntime included (and manifest). just tried the ujust fix-proton-hang and unfortunately still no launch

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