Created by Jirni_moedak on 2/4/2025 in #fanart
Concept for Character : Natasha pt.2
Ok. I will make antena as her new Ult.
49 replies
Created by Jirni_moedak on 2/4/2025 in #fanart
Concept for Character : Natasha pt.2
Yeah. Its not Op and her 2nd ability is strong enough, so ult doesnt need to be powerfull
49 replies
Created by Jirni_moedak on 2/4/2025 in #fanart
Concept for Character : Natasha pt.2
I think about 2 options of a new ult 1) Bringing a minigun with 50 bullets ( 8 orbs) 2) Building an antena that strikes enemies in middle range Radius with impulse giving just pure damage. Can be destroyed in few shots. Doesnt reveal enemies but you will know that antena was destroyed. ( 9 orbs)
49 replies
Created by Jirni_moedak on 2/4/2025 in #fanart
Concept for Character : Natasha pt.2
Ok . In next update ult will be different. And some other ajustments will happen to first and second ability.
49 replies
Created by Jirni_moedak on 2/4/2025 in #fanart
Concept for Character : Natasha pt.2
But i have absolutely no idea what to do to make a new ult. 😦 I need time to think for new ult
49 replies
Created by Jirni_moedak on 2/4/2025 in #fanart
Concept for Character : Natasha pt.2
Ok. Very unfair.
49 replies
Created by Jirni_moedak on 2/4/2025 in #fanart
Concept for Character : Natasha pt.2
And enemies would see them in the map to avoid
49 replies
Created by Jirni_moedak on 2/4/2025 in #fanart
Concept for Character : Natasha pt.2
Ok. Would it be balanced if bots will not shoot, but will run to enemies to explode like these bombers in Age of Empires II
49 replies
Created by Jirni_moedak on 2/4/2025 in #fanart
Concept for Character : Natasha pt.2
There is a way like in Clash Royale Elixir Golem. If enemie kills bot he gets 10 shields for example
49 replies
Created by Jirni_moedak on 2/4/2025 in #fanart
Concept for Character : Natasha pt.2
Yoru's clone is somewhat simmilair to them
49 replies
Created by Jirni_moedak on 2/4/2025 in #fanart
Concept for Character : Natasha pt.2
How to prevent? I dont want to delete this unique ult. Maybe increase orbs to 10.
49 replies
Created by Jirni_moedak on 2/4/2025 in #fanart
Concept for Character : Natasha pt.2
Bots locates enemies only if they give you a damage. And you have 1 second to kill him or in torso or in the head. Her heals are wack. Skye is a better option if you talk about heals. Its more like boost. And dont be scared about bots. If you played CSGO with bots you will know how bad they are. They need at least second to notice you while you running infront of them. They will be very easy target. Adjustments will happen of course. Its concept anyway. I just try my best to make unique abilities and sometimes they can go far from balance
49 replies
Created by Jirni_moedak on 2/4/2025 in #fanart
Concept for Character : Natasha pt.2
And bonus. You need some time to go from shiled to a weapon. Between this time Natasha is very easy target.
49 replies
Created by Jirni_moedak on 2/4/2025 in #fanart
Concept for Character : Natasha pt.2
Most important fact is : We need to make risky characters to make game more interesting, otherwise we will end with lame characters with same abilities. We need a tanky characters for new strats and new point of view of the game. You can see throught the shield and can be destroyed very easily. Odin and Ares counters her very fast. Pinn effect is low and only works to stop fast push from t side or trick lurkers.
49 replies
Created by Jirni_moedak on 2/4/2025 in #fanart
Concept for Character : Natasha pt.2
Ai is stupid. So they will only locate enemies like Skye ult and maybe give low amounth of damage if you didnt noticed them
49 replies
Created by shwyck on 2/6/2025 in #fanart
"чай поставьте" (c) Sova, apparently
11 replies
Created by Jirni_moedak on 2/4/2025 in #fanart
Concept for Character : Natasha pt.2
You can really see my priorities are abilities than design. 🙂
49 replies
Created by shwyck on 2/6/2025 in #fanart
"чай поставьте" (c) Sova, apparently
Net nichego vazhnee skinov
11 replies
Created by shwyck on 2/6/2025 in #fanart
"чай поставьте" (c) Sova, apparently
11 replies
Created by Serenity on 2/5/2025 in #fanart
concept agent im working on, made a whole ass slide for her, riot need to hire me icl
28 replies