Halting user registration throw errors
I'm trying to use custom Registration which extends BaseRegister. But using this->halt in beforeRegister hook to stop the creation process if condition doesn't meet is throwing error page to the user which is not intended. It should stop the process gracefully just like it does in resources. Any help on this?
protected function beforeRegister(): void
if (!$this->getFreePlan()) {
->title('Registration Error')
->body('No free plan is available at the moment. Please contact support.')
4 replies
badge color is not reactive on table
->color(fn (string $state): string => $state <= $failedGrade ? 'danger' : '')
I have a testinput like this that update the total column. Total column get updated but badge color does not get updated until page reload.
Any way to make badge color also reactive on table?8 replies
Filament filters my leftJoin
I am applying a leftjoin to my filter base query so that records from the left table will populate regardless of whether there's a corresponding record in the right table. The query is fine after log, but something seems to be preventing the leftjoin to work as intended. Here's the code:
->baseQuery(function (Builder $query, array $data): Builder {
->leftJoin('subject_allocations', function ($join) use ($data) {
$join->on('subjects.id', '=', 'subject_allocations.subject_id');
if (isset($data['school_class_id']) && isset($data['section_id'])) {
$join->where('subject_allocations.school_class_id', $data['school_class_id'])
->where('subject_allocations.section_id', $data['section_id']);
Log::info($query->toSql(), $query->getBindings());
return $query;
7 replies
'id' column with join
I'm having a Column 'id' in where clause is ambiguous when i use join to filter the query:
public static function getEloquentQuery(): Builder
return parent::getEloquentQuery()
->join('enrollments', 'users.id', '=', 'enrollments.user_id')
->leftJoin('applications', 'users.id', '=', 'applications.user_id')
->where('users.role_id', Role::STUDENT);
The database doesn't know which column to choose the 'id' from. This only gives error in edit and view $operation. Any help to fix this??6 replies
Spatie Settings
How do you make spatie-laravel-settings-plugin tenant aware. Where we can save setting based on different tenant. I tried to add the tenant school_id to the settings migration but I'm facing difficulties with default properties value. Any help?
7 replies
->updateStateUsing on ToggleColumn
There must be an active record no matter what in the resource which works fine in the database with a modification using ->updateStateUsing as shown in code below. The only issue is that toggle button won't go back to 'on' in the view until browser refresh.
Anything I could do?
->updateStateUsing(function ($record, $state) {
if (!$state) {
$schoolId = Filament::getTenant()->id;
$hasOtherActive = $record::where('id', '!=', $record->id)
->where('school_id', $schoolId)
->where('status', true)
if (!$hasOtherActive) {
->title('Update Failed')
->body('There must be at least one active session.')
return $state = true;
} else {
return $record->update(['status' => $state]);
6 replies
Can multiple users share the same tenants in multi-tenancy?
Is it possible for multiple users to have access to the same multiple tenants from the panel?
And secondly, could we have a single login page with multiple Auth system where users are simply directed to their own panel based on role. This is to avoid multiple login page.
Would appreciate any idea on this...
8 replies