Snapping Branch

@andybak snapping discussion continued...
66 Replies
prof-gOPโ€ข4y ago
var outXf_CS = outXf_GS.TransformBy(App.Scene.Pose.inverse);
outXf_CS.translation = QuantizePosition(outXf_CS.translation);
outXf_GS = outXf_CS.TransformBy(App.Scene.Pose);
var outXf_CS = outXf_GS.TransformBy(App.Scene.Pose.inverse);
outXf_CS.translation = QuantizePosition(outXf_CS.translation);
outXf_GS = outXf_CS.TransformBy(App.Scene.Pose);
The idea behind this looks right to me. Is there anyone here that has a good understanding of the transformation stack? My first guess is that App.Scene.Pos is not the thing we want. What is the transformation that changes when you scale/rotate the whole scene? Seems to be SceneScript->Main Canvas->stuff and when I change the scale rotation in the app it applies the change to the SceneParent (SceneScript)
andybakโ€ข4y ago
(link to start of discussion in entirely the wrong channel: ) App.Pose appears is defined as Coords.AsGlobal[transform] on SceneScript
andybakโ€ข4y ago
the root of unity's scene graph we call "global space"
so that sounds wrong. we don't want to work in the unity scene space - we want the canvas space
"canvas space" = the user's artwork. Typically there's just a single Canvas whose pose is the same as the Scene pose (it's a direct child of the scene, with identity localTransform). But when you have a selection or groups, those are additional Canvas instances
However - this sounds like canvas space == global space == scene pose
But when you have a selection or groups, those are additional Canvas instances
My initial thought is that we can ignore this as we're working ON a selection and not IN a selection but I might be wrong.
var outXf_CS = outXf_GS.TransformBy(App.Scene.Pose.inverse);
var outXf_CS = outXf_GS.TransformBy(App.Scene.Pose.inverse);
If I'm right then this should be a no-op. I'm transforming from global space to canvas space. I'm curious to separately test canvas translation, rotation and scale to see which ones mess with the grid snapping. That might be a clue. Bit tricky to do manually. I guess I need to write some tests.
andybakโ€ข4y ago
O frabjous day! I nicked Moat's snapping code and it worked
public static Vector3 SnapToGrid(Vector3 position)
float gridSize = SelectionManager.m_Instance.SnappingGridSize;
Vector3 localCanvasPos = App.ActiveCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(position);
float round(float val) { return Mathf.Round(val / gridSize) * gridSize; }
Vector3 roundedCanvasPos = new Vector3(
return App.ActiveCanvas.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(roundedCanvasPos);
public static Vector3 SnapToGrid(Vector3 position)
float gridSize = SelectionManager.m_Instance.SnappingGridSize;
Vector3 localCanvasPos = App.ActiveCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(position);
float round(float val) { return Mathf.Round(val / gridSize) * gridSize; }
Vector3 roundedCanvasPos = new Vector3(
return App.ActiveCanvas.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(roundedCanvasPos);
and then just:
if (SelectionManager.m_Instance.CurrentSnapGridIndex != 0)
outXf_GS.translation = SnapToGrid(outXf_GS.translation);
if (SelectionManager.m_Instance.CurrentSnapGridIndex != 0)
outXf_GS.translation = SnapToGrid(outXf_GS.translation);
@moat9195 - thank you
prof-gOPโ€ข4y ago
oh nice! App.ActiveCanvas ftw I do wonder why he chose to use worldToLocalMatrix rather than just inverse. They should be equivalent. Perhaps that reads better...
moatโ€ข4y ago
oh lovely I forget why I didn't just use transform.InverseTransformPoint() and transform.TransformPoint() it should probably work just fine bonks head teehee
prof-gOPโ€ข4y ago
๐Ÿ™‚ Good stuff. How does the whole ActiveCanvas thing work?
moatโ€ข4y ago
afaik, there's really only ONE canvas in OB but I think if you wanted to, you could instantiate multiple canvases, like having separate layers and a canvas is a 3D VR canvas, not a 2D thingy so the canvas stores all your brush strokes
prof-gOPโ€ข4y ago
IIRC, I tried App.MainCanvas and this didn't work
moatโ€ข4y ago
and when you perform view manipulations (by pinch-zooming and shoving it around) you are manipulating the canvas, which is a gameobject that acts as the parent for all the brush strokes the user does not get scaled, nor do they move around during a view operation yeah, I dunno about MainCanvas, but ActiveCanvas worked
prof-gOPโ€ข4y ago
I see view manipulations changing the SceneParent transform. Is that related to the canvas? I assumed the term canvas would correspond to the "Main Canvas" object.
andybakโ€ข4y ago
Now I need to figure out how to unify the UI for the 3 types of snapping: Snapping while drawing, snapping selections (and other widgets) - and snapping procedural geometry creation (currently just my polyhedra but I have plans for this functionality) Moat used the canvas zoom level to determine the snapping grid. I kinda like the economy of this approach but I'd have to use it in anger to get a sense of whether it wasn't one overload too far. I used a "snap settings" panel which is clunky but explicit. I don't love it but it works in a "nobody ever got fired for choosing IBM" way (if that strained metaphor makes sense to anyone other than myself) Three related issues: 1. How to turn grid/angle snapping on and off 2. How to set the snap angle and grid size 3. How to visualize the grid
prof-gOPโ€ข4y ago
for #3, I was thinking there would be a volumetric sphere (radius can vary) around the brush hand where the lines would fade out toward the edge. So maybe a penumbra, umbra sort of thing.
andybakโ€ข4y ago
Check out Moat's approach. It's not that far off this (but I'd like to make it less psychedelic)
prof-gOPโ€ข4y ago
Hmmm, I was thinking of having grid lines drawn on the empty space, not on the object. Perhaps it's useful to both or only 1? Moat's visualization looks like it's a custom shader that branches from the normal code to his based on whether it's in the sphere. Or maybe an additional shader pass that bails out if it's not in the sphere. I could check out the code but it's so much easier to speculate ๐Ÿ˜›
moatโ€ข4y ago
it's a custom unlit blend shader applied to a sphere it reads the depth buffer and uses the camera's position to figure out the world position of each fragment and then tints each fragment based its position I applied it just to the sphere because I wanted people to be able to preview their scene with the effect off just by moving the sphere out of the way, and i felt that the grid was only necessary to see within close proximity to the brush I think I fed the camera's world position into the shader's global parameters there may be nicer ways to ascertain a fragment's world position than what I used I primarily made the tool for creating architectural hulls or for furniture, etc. and I also had to make it apply its effect adaptively depending on the user's zoom level because I didn't wanna show a zillion teeny teeny lines when you zoom out, or really, to show grid lines that were either too close together or too far apart to practically and physically interact with in VR I'm happy to answer any questions
andybakโ€ข4y ago
AmbientGrid is used in one of the environments and seems not far off that. I'll see if I can hack that in to the main scene
prof-gOPโ€ข4y ago
That's pretty cool, thanks for sharing. I don't know a better to recover world position per pixel without interfering with the way everything is rendered. Totally onboard with the sphere reasoning. What do you think about having the grid lines also be in empty space (or only be)?
andybakโ€ข4y ago
Trying to get something similar to the Gravity Sketch Grid working.
andybakโ€ข4y ago
Not quite there but is this a good approach?
prof-gOPโ€ข4y ago
I certainly like it's simplicity and it may even be a good option for Quest. Also makes me wonder if actually rendering the lines is too intrusive...๐Ÿค” Maybe also scale them up or down based on proximity to the brush pointer. I think it would be less jarring if the cracker-jacks faded out and in rather than jumping.
andybakโ€ข4y ago
Yeah - I was trying for that... Gravity Sketch for comparison:
Gravity Sketch
Grid - Tools Tutorial Gravity Sketch VR
Tools Tutorial Gravity Sketch VR Gravity Sketch VR 1.5 Basic tutorial series How to use the grid for precise spacing when modeling For more information, please check our live user guide: Please leave feedback in the c...
moatโ€ข4y ago
let's see. to do the Gravity Sketch thing, you could use a 3D model consisting of many of those little gnomon/crosses arranged in a cubic lattice within a spherical volume... and then assign to them a shader that fades their fragment opacity based on their distance to the cursor this way it only takes a single game object, a single mesh renderer, and a fairly simple unlit blend shader it would need a monobehaviour to feed the brush position to the shader and to move the 3D cross-grid around using an actual lattice without gaps would probably take fewer triangles and allow for continuous grid lines, but would mean more of the fragment code would run over a greater area of the screen I don't know the significance of CPU/GPU impact between the two methods
andybakโ€ข4y ago
Did you see the video I posted above? I'm not far off (I borrowed a nice shader that did all the hard work in the vertex stage and used DrawProceduralNow to trigger it from Unity) I just need to get the interpolation working, Mine jumps and I'm trying to fix that now.
moatโ€ข4y ago
yeah, I saw yours -- I'm not sure if drawing it procedurally is faster or slower. It looks close though.
andybakโ€ข4y ago
I could swap to a static mesh but it's more flexible this way so I'm going to stick with it.
moatโ€ข4y ago
that's true
andybakโ€ข4y ago
I doubt the triangle count is a bottleneck
moatโ€ข4y ago
if it's not a static mesh then you can control line thickness
andybakโ€ข4y ago
moatโ€ข4y ago
be that as it may, you could procedurally generate a static mesh muahahaha meaning that you can define a mesh at runtime to be passed to a meshfilter/meshrenderer that is only changed when changing the graph settings but your method allows for a grid that responds in real-time
andybakโ€ข4y ago
too tired to fix this now. I'll try again in that 60m window of opportunity at the start of the day where my brain works and nobody is distracting me
moatโ€ข4y ago
the after-coffee caffeine buzz window I know that window well
andybakโ€ข4y ago
tea, dear chap. some of us are british
moatโ€ข4y ago
andybakโ€ข4y ago
@moat9195 @michael_guerrero See my last commit. It's getting there and I've integrated it into the scene. It was working pretty perfectly in a simple minimal Unity project but I can't quite get the transformation to match the canvas working. The scale and rotation are fine but a) the offset from the origin changes and b) the quantization is messed up when you scale the canvas. Plus I still need to wire it up so it reflects changes to the snap grid resolution - but I'm stuck on a and b right now Grateful for any help. Line 160 in SnapGrid3d.shader got me quite far:
float3 worldPos = mul(_CanvasMatrix, pos);
float3 worldPos = mul(_CanvasMatrix, pos);
And _CanvasMatrix is set in SnapGrid3D.cs:
material.SetMatrix(ShaderParam.CanvasMatrix, transform.localToWorldMatrix);
material.SetMatrix(ShaderParam.CanvasMatrix, transform.localToWorldMatrix);
(I'm can get away with using "transform" here because the gameobject concerned is a child of the canvas)
andybakโ€ข4y ago
Minimal Unity project Example:
moatโ€ข4y ago
you could use transform.parent to get the parent of a child object there's also transform.root @andybak but lemme fire up that minimal example poke me when you get online and we'll get this one
andybakโ€ข4y ago
Might be a while. got a pre-wedding, wedding and hangover to navigate first.
moatโ€ข4y ago
no prob
andybakโ€ข4y ago
@moat9195 I tidied up the minimal example so that it's conceptually the same problem as I have with Open Brush:
GitHub - andybak/Grid3D: simple 3d grid renderer for Unity
simple 3d grid renderer for Unity. Contribute to andybak/Grid3D development by creating an account on GitHub.
andybakโ€ข4y ago
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andybakโ€ข4y ago
The hierarchy is the same. So - here's what should be happening: the canvas object should control scale and rotation - plus it determines the zero point for snapping. The Pointmanager should be the center of the mesh. Rotating or scaling it shouldn't change anything but translations should affect the mesh (except the translation needs to be quantized based on the zero point of the Canvas) I got close but then my eyeballs melted which made it hard to continue working. Take a look at lines 148-160: I do wonder whether there's a simpler solution that involves parenting the PointerManager to the canvas and doing all the calculations in canvas space. But this feels like it's nearly there so I'm a bit reluctant to scrap it for a different approach. Incidentally - HLSL doesn't have an "matrix.inverse" function but I think transpose() is fine in this situation
prof-gOPโ€ข4y ago
transpose is equal to the inverse for "orthogonal" matrices. An example of a matrix which is orthogonal is a pure rotation matrix (no scale or translation).
Orthogonal matrix
In linear algebra, an orthogonal matrix, or orthonormal matrix, is a real square matrix whose columns and rows are orthonormal vectors. One way to express this is



Q = Q
andybakโ€ข4y ago
Ah. So it won't work with uniform scale and translation? I guess I can just pass in the inverse from the C# side of things then that might explain some of the issues i was seeing. but not all of them Using a sophisticated programming technique called "just change stuff to see what it does" I've got a bit further. The quantization is still wonky but it respects the rotation/scale of the canvas and the position of the Pointer in what appears to be the right kinda way I might have cracked it. Watch this space...
moatโ€ข4y ago
aaaa I missed your post ok
andybakโ€ข4y ago
Soooooo close! One last bugette... The origin of the grid isn't stable when you move the canvas. But the scale and rotation work perfectly. And the visualization looks fairly good. I could live with it trying to work out what the fudge factor is that will fix the origin. YYYYEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!
andybakโ€ข4y ago
I haven't actually turned snapping on but you can see the grid is consistent whatever you do with the canvas and matches my roughly drawn cube (the grid viz is much easier to understand in vr. i might scale it down to closer to 3x3 instead of 5x5)
moatโ€ข4y ago
looks great somewhere in my grid code is the logarithmic dynamic grid spacing algorithm that helps to make it so that the grid is usable at all resolutions
andybakโ€ข4y ago
Yeah I saw that
moatโ€ข4y ago
it subdivides by a factor of 2, dynamically but that can wait the grid's looking very very useful
andybakโ€ข4y ago
I'm leaning towards an explicit grid resolution - not sure people will like the grid being tied to zoom
moatโ€ข4y ago
mm. fair.
andybakโ€ข4y ago
just been trying out grid snapping with my polyhedra. piece of cake to make a grid of shapes. only problem is - i now want hex and iso grid snapping ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
moatโ€ข4y ago
I like dynamic grids so that when I zoom out the grid doesn't become super fine
andybakโ€ข4y ago
and then the other uniform plane tilings... and of course the 3d space groups...
moatโ€ข4y ago
but I think that the nice thing about fixed grids is it allows you to maintain a sense of scale
andybakโ€ข4y ago
i wonder if there's a middle ground. you set a small, medium or large grid and that is dynamic with scale because there's a zoom level where a 0.1 unit grid is useless - and same for large grids
andybakโ€ข4y ago
anyway - i just pushed a build that has all my stuff plus your branch all combined:
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/features/snapping' into integr...
Open Source Fork of Tilt Brush. Contribute to IxxyXR/open-brush development by creating an account on GitHub.
andybakโ€ข4y ago
i just need to get your drawing snapping integrated and fix the crappy ui (currently the grid widgets are invisible for some bizarre reason) the grid visualization is pretty neat even without the snapping. you can get a nice "close but still a bit sketchy" look
andybakโ€ข4y ago
Grid snap working for painting now.
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andybakโ€ข4y ago
Another example
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