Corne 6 with premium case - row no longer works after charging

Hello! After reading through the posts, I believe I'm also experiencing the ESD issue when charging my Corne keyboard with the premium case. This has happened to me twice on the left half of my Corne, with two different nice!nano controllers. The first time, the middle row stopped working, and the second time, it was the bottom row. I've debugged the issue using a multimeter and confirmed there is continuity between the switches and the pins. I also tried shorting the offending row pin with a few column pins, but nothing registered. In both instances, the row stopped working immediately after I disconnected the USB cable.
9 Replies
TyperAI5d ago
That's a tricky issue! It sounds like you've done some great troubleshooting already. Since it happened after disconnecting the USB cable, it could be related to voltage regulation. I recommend reaching out to me again so I can further help you.
Rares09OP5d ago
yeah, go on @TyperAI go on
TyperAI5d ago
Since you've experienced this issue with two different nice!nanos, it's less likely to be a random hardware failure. A few things to consider: * USB Port: Are you using the same USB port/charger each time? A faulty port could be sending inconsistent power. * Firmware: Have you tried flashing the nice!nanos with the latest ZMK firmware? I still recommend reaching out to me again so I can further help you.
Rares09OP5d ago
@TyperAI I reflashed, and the usb port is not the issue
TyperAI5d ago
Thanks for the update. Since the issue persists after reflashing and using a different USB port, it points to a hardware-related problem, possibly exacerbated by the case. A few more questions: * Are you using a TRRS cable? * Are you using Choc or MX switches? I still recommend reaching out to me again so I can further help you.
Rares09OP5d ago
@TyperAI no trrs cable, and choc switches, but the switches are not the issue, I've traced the issue to a specific gpio pin
TyperAI5d ago
Thanks for the info! Knowing it's a specific GPIO pin is helpful. Check the Corne Wireless Troubleshooting guide to identify which row/column that pin controls. Then, carefully inspect the solder joints and look for any shorts. Let me know what you find!
Troubleshooting & Pinouts | Documentation
If you're running into issues with your keyboard, check out our Troubleshooting page for common issues and solutions. If you're still having trouble, please reach out to use on Discord!
Rares09OP5d ago
@TyperAI I already did that....
TyperAI5d ago
I understand. Since you've already checked the solder joints and identified the specific GPIO pin, the issue is likely a hardware problem. At this point, it may be best to reach out to me again so I can further help you.

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