mfad6d ago

Online places for decent/good quality used clothing (UK)?

Hey. I was thinking about this for a little bit, but whenever I used a website like eBay or Vinted, after sorting out the fast fashion brands, I'd often have issues with getting measurements for the garment or the seller not responding to my offers (the last ones rarer but still happens), and so I was wondering about places online where I could buy decent or good quality clothing, in the UK so I don't have to pay for international shipping. Don't say Marrkt lol.
16 Replies
Yakkeks6d ago
Hmm. I would say Vinted and ebay lol. Basically there are two kinds of online marketplace for used clothing. Ones like ebay and vinted, where sellers list their items directly and places like Marrkt or Sellpy, where sellers usually consign their stuff to the platform with the platform taking pics and measurements. Both types of model have their advantages and disadvantages. Usually consignment-style platforms offer slightly better item descriptions on average, but their measurements are often imprecise (bc the ppl doing the measurements are in a rush) and you can't ask questions. So they are not neccessarily better than Vinted/Ebay and often more expensive. Ultimately my experience is that many ppl won't bother with measurements for stuff thats sub 10 bucks bc its not worth the effort. Basically my only advice is that there is plenty of good stuff on ebay/vinted, it just takes some time to find it. Are you looking for anything in particular?
SamOP6d ago
right now I'm looking to get blazer and eh, a branded beige shirt :bloberm:
No description
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
Buying quality items or specific items second hand takes time. You can't and shouldn't expect immediate results.
SamOP6d ago
i'd be fine without the branding tbh, just something like a patterned shirt in beige yeah, i kinda had a mentality of finding decent things quickly
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
Buying Second hand saves you money but takes time. Buying new saves you time but costs you money. You have to assess where you fall on the scale of having lots of time to no time Vs having money and decide where to shop as appropriate. Some items are easier to find than others of course. A navy blazer is easy. A shirt with a very specific (copyrighted) pattern is much harder. A lot of the best dressed people here buy most of their clothes second hand - because ultimately dressing well is a skill that is less about the specific items you've obtained and more about your ability to construct an outfit.
Yakkeks6d ago
Also there is an in-between area between those two. For example semi-professional to professional sellers on vinted that have well lit pic, good keywording and reliable measurements. Though those items tend to be more expensive, but its often worth it from a time-perspective.
deltic6d ago
I’ve had some quite goof luck on depop too fwiw
marrkt has some higher end stuff but no steals
raisinpie6d ago
getting ghosted is part of the online secondhand shopping experience
kewlpinguino6d ago
I’ve gotten good deals here stateside on Depop, although in my experience the pricing can be kind of weird and descriptions inaccurate because a lot of users are looking more for aesthetic than details. (Prime example—saw a listing that said it was vintage military under Mens’ but was a shirt from Sanctuary, womenswear brand brand you find at department stores and off price places) (As an American I can’t speak to other services for the UK specifically, but I know Depop is a British company and I see a lot of listings from the UK on there. Poshmark is generally my preferred place to buy but I think they’re not really in the UK)
son of mother of pearl
It is unfortunately common to not get measurements or questions answered from sellers on eBay. At this point I usually just ignore a listing that doesn’t have measurements and good photos, I’ve wasted too much time messaging sellers. Also, I would say on any resell site it’s a big risk that you would get a bootleg of that Burberry shirt.
SamOP6d ago
I can unfortunately attest to getting a bootleg Burberry https://discord.com/channels/1116793467654381685/1255197478312087672/1294344182340517971 :linkSweatSmile: besides looking online and hoping it's genuine if i really wanted real burberry the other other thing i can think of is the outlet :linkDead:
kewlpinguino6d ago
burberry is one that i feel like is easy to fake, accessories in particular since you kinda just need the print and a somewhat convincing label. I have a scarf that's probably fake (not their signature one but the navy and red one) but honestly idc bc it does its job and looks good side note, how good are therealreal with their authentication? I vaguely there being a scandal years ago but i dont remember details
SamOP6d ago
I got this hat a couple of months ago https://discord.com/channels/1116793467654381685/1293569837137662056/1293569837137662056 like someone in the thread mentioned it's either real or a good fake. idc either way too, it works well.
kewlpinguino6d ago
yep great example. similar to mine, print might be a little off but not obvious https://discord.com/channels/1116793467654381685/1340375568171925544
raisinpie6d ago
there are a few people in here I would trust way more than any major secondhand site

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