Import validation
Hi all,
I have a simple importer, only the sheet that i want to import hase some columns with NULL as string
How can i cast or save it as null in database?
Both options below wont work and throws me a validation error that
The from email field is required.
I want the value to be null if string of state == 'NULL'
My migration has the field als nullable
Also i dont see where the validation would be happening because there is no validation on the fields.
Thanks for the help!6 Replies
u want save null as string in database? or null exacly?
wht about tht?
if the csv u import doenst hve value or null, it woll ignore it if im not wrong,
The import has "NULL" as string, and in database i want it to be null so nothing in DB if from_email = 'NULL'
if i only use than in DB there will be a string "NULL"
Try this
I get the same error...and im looking into it for over 2h now..cant find a solution
this is not working, I still get "validation.required" error
try requiring mapping
Can you show the model and resource code by any chance?