Filament4w ago

multi file upload with total size limit

Hello team I am trying to limit a user to allow multiple file uploads, which is working, but I also want to set an overall limit of 20mb. Let's say Case 1 : upload 4 files each of 5mb ( ✅ ) Case 2: upload 1 file of 20 mb ( ✅ ) Case 3: upload 3 files of 10 mb ( ❌ ) Case 4: upload 1 file of 21 or more mb ( ❌ ) I am using laravel 11.31, Livewire 3.0 and filament 3.2 Do help if if you have any solution for this.
4 Replies
Dhru4w ago
For case 1,2,4 can use built in limits For case 3 use method Overall will look something like this in the end FileUpload::make('attachments') ->label('Upload Files') ->multiple() ->maxSize(20000) ->rules([ function ($attribute, $value, $fail) { $totalSize = array_reduce($value, function ($carry, $file) { return $carry + $file->getSize(); }, 0); if ($totalSize > 20000 ) { $fail('The total size of all files must not exceed 20MB.'); } }, ]) ->disk('local') ->directory('uploads');
AkkiOP4w ago
Thanks for the quick response but this is not working on my way end.
Dhru4w ago
try playind around with the rules method i didn't test it
AkkiOP4w ago
Sure, I'll work on it further, but if you get some time, then try to run on your end.
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