Categorize database notifications

I am using Filament notifications for my admin panel, as well as for the frontend. Now I am writing a cronjob, to delete old notifications. But they should have different prune times. For example the ones from frontend 7 days, the one from panel 30 days, etc. Is there a way for me to categorize the notification (when sending it) so that I can handle it differently when deleting it? And bonus question: What is the "type" in the notificationstabelle good for? Its always Filament\Notifications\DatabaseNotification
You would need to extend the notifications table and add panel. then from the panel set a sefault i.e.frontend and then one 'admin' etc.
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2 Replies
toeknee4w ago
You would need to extend the notifications table and add panel. then from the panel set a sefault i.e.frontend and then one 'admin' etc.
bernhardOP4w ago

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