17 Replies
device issue
What device exactly?
your device...
Basically many things matter in this situation like system configuration, server, internet
I have good pc mid high end
I have everything good
mid high :stressingout:
Play PUBG at that point 🤦‍♂️
Yes is that a problem for you my specs between a mid and high end
I play a lot of game and i play pubg on gameloop is that a problem for you
No dude, every bug and error is not from your device it’s from the game..
I wanna know why the game crash a lot on gameloop
Because all the stuff is on the game like the abilities and the resources every update make your game slowly as I observed, everything is worst my buttons was reset without doing anything then I played a match and every vehicle was like jumping and I didn’t had dmg in everything from my device is not fault from yours too it’s from them and they selling you the same thing it’s from your device and internet
Look at this video
U play on mobile devices me not i play on emulator gameloop that big deferent
It’s from them man, if the emulator doesn’t work it’s not for you, but try to reset maybe it will work
Reset what u have play with emulator before on pc
Than another solution idk