Loding Table

Good morning guys! Is there any way to put a loading indicator in the filament tables, for when there is a delay? I didn't find anything in the documentation and deferLoading only does a "loading" when you enter the screen for the first time, if you do any other action in modal or for example it refreshes the table there is no loading indicator
21 Replies
toeknee4w ago
https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/support/blade-components/loading-indicator You can in theory add a custom render to render this in the table footer and position it with a div absolute etc etc
toeknee4w ago
Forms Loading Inidicator by Tony Partridge - Tricks - Filament
Filament is a collection of tools for rapidly building beautiful TALL stack apps, designed for humans.
Tio Átila
Tio ÁtilaOP4w ago
this indication working in table?
toeknee4w ago
Yes... wire loading works as per livewire, see the livewire docs if unsure
Tio Átila
Tio ÁtilaOP4w ago
I'm try but not showing loading wen filter or execute some action ->contentFooter(View::make('tables.loading'));
toeknee4w ago
Loading Indicators on change table page · filamentphp filament · Di...
I created a table with a lot of data and if I change page, it takes some time to refresh the data. During this time I can't see any loading indicator. How can I show it?
Señor Nikola
Señor Nikola4w ago
You can use ->deferLoading() in you config for tables or just that one table, it will have loading indicator (like skeleton). But page will be instantly opened
Tio Átila
Tio ÁtilaOP4w ago
In my case, I need to show the loading if, for example, a user clicks on an action and then closes the modal, while it loads the component where it can generate an indispensability of clicks, I wanted to have this loading
Mohamed Ayaou
Mohamed Ayaou4w ago
Personally I use this blade view to show a loading indicator at the page top when ever a livewire loading is happening:
class="fixed max-sm:bottom-4 sm:top-4 left-1/2 -translate-x-1/2 z-[6000001] rounded-lg text-white shadow dark:shadow-white/10 px-4 py-2 bg-primary-500 backdrop-blur">
class="flex gap-2 rtl:flex-row-reverse">
<div class="text-sm hidden sm:block">
{{ __('general.loading.label') }}
<x-filament::loading-indicator class="h-5 w-5" />
document.addEventListener('alpine:init', () => Alpine.store('isLoading', {
value: false,
delayTimer: null,
set(value) {
if (value === false) this.value = false;
else this.delayTimer = setTimeout(() => this.value = true, 2000);
document.addEventListener("livewire:init", () => {
Livewire.hook('commit.prepare', () => Alpine.store('isLoading').set(true))
Livewire.hook('commit', ({
}) => succeed(() => queueMicrotask(() => Alpine.store('isLoading').set(false))))
class="fixed max-sm:bottom-4 sm:top-4 left-1/2 -translate-x-1/2 z-[6000001] rounded-lg text-white shadow dark:shadow-white/10 px-4 py-2 bg-primary-500 backdrop-blur">
class="flex gap-2 rtl:flex-row-reverse">
<div class="text-sm hidden sm:block">
{{ __('general.loading.label') }}
<x-filament::loading-indicator class="h-5 w-5" />
document.addEventListener('alpine:init', () => Alpine.store('isLoading', {
value: false,
delayTimer: null,
set(value) {
if (value === false) this.value = false;
else this.delayTimer = setTimeout(() => this.value = true, 2000);
document.addEventListener("livewire:init", () => {
Livewire.hook('commit.prepare', () => Alpine.store('isLoading').set(true))
Livewire.hook('commit', ({
}) => succeed(() => queueMicrotask(() => Alpine.store('isLoading').set(false))))
Mohamed Ayaou
Mohamed Ayaou4w ago
It's taken from this site: https://filamentglow.com
FilamentPHP Glow
Boost your FilamentPHP skills with helpful tips and code snippets from fellow developers in the Filament community.
Matthew4w ago
Do have defer loading everywhere with that...or does that not matter ?
awcodes4w ago
Id probably just use a renderHook to include a livewire component with wire:loading that way it wouldn’t matter what the request or life cycle is and would just always show any time any livewire request is made. I think there’s even a plugin for it already.
Mohamed Ayaou
Mohamed Ayaou4w ago
Most of my tables are ->deferLoading() and it is showing only after loadings longer than 2 seconds adjust this line for a faster display: else this.delayTimer = setTimeout(() => this.value = true, 100); // 2000 set to 1000
awcodes4w ago
Wire loading has a default delay built in. If the request takes less than, iirc 200 ms, wire loading will not be triggered at the livewire/alpine level.
Matthew4w ago
Thanks.. What location do you hook into? GLOBAL_SEARCH_START feels like the obvious place, but it doesn't show on my current project. TOPBAR_START and TOPBAR_END are both the same location, but its quite close to the logo.
Mohamed Ayaou
Mohamed Ayaou4w ago
FOOTER it is an absolute element so just put it outside any relative element try to make some long loading actions like switcing tabs or filters
Matthew4w ago
hmmm....FOOTER doesn't show up. Perhaps something else I've got blocking it.
Mohamed Ayaou
Mohamed Ayaou4w ago
Are you using the blade view from my code or from the website as the website one has some missing styles as the bg
Matthew4w ago
I've tried both. It appears to be stuck behind other elements, including the logo. If I fix x-show="true" , and then in the console run : document.querySelector('[x-show="true"]').style.zIndex = '99999999'; then I can see it. But adjusting the zIndex in the class has no effect. Also tried disabling the custom theme and any other lugins I could. Although when I do get through running the console commands, the positioning doesn't look right:
No description
Mohamed Ayaou
Mohamed Ayaou4w ago
it is working fine for me with no theme layout changes, so it is probably just your theme layout changes issue
Matthew3w ago
Probably...going to look at this when I have a bit more time! @Mohamed Ayaou, appreciate your input though.

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