Best way to spend Uc
What should i do with my uc?
Got 340
Like whats the best way of spending it
Im pretty new to the game
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10 Replies
If you aim something to get good rewards and the uc back
Go for royale pass
For 300 uc buy RP 1-50 lvl collect uc and buy 51-100lvl if you dont spend uc on something else you can have All the time RP season after season for 300 uc
Purchase elite pass.
I dont understand what u mean, sorry im new
just buy rp
thats the only thing u can do without wasting UC.
Whats rp?
rp means Royale Pass.
If you think about gun skins, car skins or high tier player skins. They start at realistic 500$ upwards. Some will say „luck“ is on your side, their just to far down the gambling hole.
Thanks man!
Good to know
Dude it's better for you to reach max rp level then buy pass because if your new on game so it's bit diff for you to get your UC back
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