Input Blade Component Suffix Action

How do i add a suffix action to my input blade component?
Redirect Link
<x-filament::input type="text" wire:model="redirect_link" />
Redirect Link
<x-filament::input type="text" wire:model="redirect_link" />
My goal is to have a suffix action that copies whatever text is in the input field.
yeah, apparently i could do it like this:
i don't know why i made my life so difficulat. anyway, just have to include the implements and use ```...
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9 Replies
GohanOP4w ago
i actually already saw the documentation but now that you pointed me to it again. is it actually the combination of a suffix icon and an icon button blade component from
GohanOP4w ago
i was looking for a specific suffix action kind of wrapper but i'll try combining a suffix icon and icon button
Matthew4w ago
I imagine there is a reason beyond my understanding...but wouldn't it be easier just to add a form into the livewire component, and then you can use all the regular field methods?
GohanOP4w ago
i'm actually not sure if i could just do that but what i'm doing is i have a ViewField::make() that displays sort of an action banner. in that action banner, there's a button that's supposed to bring up a modal. I couldn't find any way to use filament components the usual way so i'm doing this right now. if i may ask, is there actually a way to use filament components the "usual way"?
Matthew4w ago
ummm....I'm not an expert on views, blades and livewire...but, you are using a form, with a ViewField, then within the view that is pointed at, presumably you could have a livewire component, and within that you could have a separate form.... But, whether it would require all sorts of configuration because of multiple submits etc...not sure.
GohanOP4w ago
i'm looking into it right now. do i just call livewire like this?
Gohan4w ago
yeah, apparently i could do it like this:
i don't know why i made my life so difficulat. anyway, just have to include the implements and use
class EmailModal extends Component implements HasForms, HasActions
use InteractsWithForms, InteractsWithActions;
class EmailModal extends Component implements HasForms, HasActions
use InteractsWithForms, InteractsWithActions;
edit: i have a viewfield and in that viewfield, i'm displaying another livewire component with more filament forms calling the method form(). trying to display the livewire component as is will wreck your app. you have to define a form with a different name and give it a different state path like in here:
GohanOP4w ago
it does break the sidepanel but i think that's for another thread

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