Choosing a white shirt
im thinking of getting a normal white shirt online, but i prefer ones which aren't see through, how do i select the right shirt?
20 Replies
Man why are you quoting a fictional nazi in your bio
watched the show and quoted it, aint serious i dont support them
Are you stupid
You watched that movie and thought ‘yeah I want to quote the nazi right after he killed an entire family’
nothing like that bro
what is a normal white shirt
if you feel offended by it, ill remove it
It is literally like that you fucking moron
removed it, better?
anyways i own dozens of white shirts from different brands and none are see through. just go to uniqlo or something.
or wear an undershirt if you're referring to a button down
wear gray undershirts instead of white
some of uniqlo's white shirts are see thru (i.e. the non-oversized airism, and another one of theirs which i forget the name of)
the supima ones can be a little thin but they're not see through, are y'all just buying shirts that are 4 sizes too small so they look transparent or something
the oversized airism are opaque (but they dont seem to offer that fabric in a regular or slim fit)
a lot of the other airism shirts are meant to be undershirts.
i’d avoid undershirts where possible under a dress shirt
what? why?
Oftentimes, especially with poorer quality shirts, you can see either the whole undershirt and/or the outline of it. Just don’t think it’s a great look if you’re wearing it in a formal setting
weird I've never had that problem
these are good if you are concerned about an undershirt showing through a dress shirt
white v necks can show through ime
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Men Under T-Shirt
Dress shirts were originally undergarments, thus it is a rule in the West to not wear undershirt under a dress shirt. At Kamakura Shirts, we take it as an obligation to follow the rules of international standards, but the hot and humid summers of Japan recently are impossible. For this reason, we accepted a challenge t