File Upload Form In Server
I have tested it on my local server and it works but when I deploy it to my server it doesn't work
Here is the code
->label('Profile Photo')
->extraAttributes(['class' => 'mx-auto text-center']),
10 Replies
Are you definitely uploading an image?
yes png ive try with the same image on local and its succes
What are you using for your server?
debian and nginx for the web server
Have you ran artisan storage:link, given the storage file permissions, have enough space to upload i.e. upload_max_filesize etc. I once had an issue requiring imagemagick, not sure if that may be needed?
I've checked all that and it seems to be correct.. but it still doesn't work to upload the image
Anything in developer tools when you press the upload button itself?
nothing ....status 200
do you have a livewire.php config, is there any validation in there that might be restricting it? If not, Im a bit last im afraid
i don't have that file