W2C Wide Pleated Trousers
Looking to buy wide/relaxed or a wide taper trouser with pleats or reverse pleats in NYC. Budget -$200 I'm open to buying online but getting the fit right with my body is hard so I prefer in person. High rise too.
If the budget is too low for what I'm looking for let me know what might be a good fit in a slightly higher budget. Open to chinos that are cut similarly.
23 Replies
Any reason you'd be opposed to the classic issey miyake ones?
i mean budget aside that's a pretty different vibe than what they seem to be asking for.
I don't think Issey is under $200 even on clearance/secondhand anymore lmao
I’m gonna do it
I think the idea is trousers with pleats not what Issey is offering
the obvious answer to this is probably vintage PRL andrews or hammonds but that might not mesh with you wanting to try 'em on
Andrew pants
i win
You could look and see if there's any Beams Plus stockists in NY. I mean, there's gotta be. Their 2 pleats is a really nice wide, cropped fit that could work.
i mean honestly i think most stores would have it but the budget would be hard
Weren’t pleated chinos part of the new Uniqlo/JWA collab?
They’re wide-ish? More of a regular fit though.
Got a bunch of ones similar to these over at 10ft single if you're in New York

7115 by Szeki has NYC locations
Out of my budget. They have a linen one but I'm looking for something thicker.
Blue in Green only has cargos. Not sure of other beams+ stockists. Cropped usually means it's near the right length or will need minimal hemming. I got like a 26 inch inseam.
I think they're wide enough but no longer in stock in my size. I could try the smaller size but doubt it would fit. Photo is for a reference point.

But the pleats don't do much
Discord cancelled my reply but see above
Ok then - do you have a reference pic of how the pleats should look?
I take it back. It's the styling on the model that's throwing me off.
Yeah, that's actually roughly where they sit. NMWA has a few trousers it looks like.
No Man Walks Alone
Beams Plus
The Tokyo-based guardian of classic American style
When BEAMS started as a tiny shop in Harajuku, Tokyo in 1976, its store name was taglined American Life Shop BEAMS. The tides had turned after a gloomy era of depression and political turbulence, and the youth, influenced by images of American culture that they saw in movies and on TV, were hun...
Oh cool, I thought they didn't have an in person shop. I may have confused them for some other brand. I remember there being a store in maybe Williamsburg that closed in maybe 2019.
I think you may have to book an appointment or something? I’m not in NYC so I’m going off what I’ve seen elsewhere
I'll take a look
Beams plus is definitely the direction I'm looking
you can book an appt, their showroom is near times square
Yeah, I'll check it out thanks. Doesn't look like they have my size but TBD.