How to make stat widget vertical
I have 3 widgets (Stats, chart and table) on the same column and I have stats widget that contains 3 stats (as shown in the red rectangular), so I want to make the stats widget vertical (one under the other). How can I do it?
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you have to create a custom theme and add that to the css file.
10 Replies

I tested it on the navigator and it worked, but I don't know how to apply it on the stats widget code 🥺
you have to create a custom theme and add that to the css file.
is there a way to do it without creating a new theme?
what is the issue to add a custom theme?
I tried one time to add it but it didn't work, so that's why. And isn't it a big thing to add a custom theme to only do one css thing?
I would create a custom theme instead..
Okay, I will try to create it and see if it will work this time or not. So can I use it to make the sidebar menu icons bigger?