Is there a script or a planned feature

Is there a script or a planned feature for animation? Was wondering since OpenBrush seems to retain info on stroke placements. Wondering if it's possible to make an animation sequencer with that in mind.
34 Replies
andybak3mo ago
Additionally - some types of scripting animation should be possible when we merge the plugin scripting branch:
andybak3mo ago
(although I need to do a lot more testing of using scripts for animation) Finally - @eerop has done some fine work recently on enabling "animating the sketch being drawn in" using the Open Brush SDK/toolkit
nastyjmanOP3mo ago
Thank you so much! So I need to opt in the Beta build to see the animation timeline?
andybak3mo ago
No - this is an experimental branch - much more raw than the beta. It should all be explained here:
nastyjmanOP3mo ago
Got it. So this APK with the animation would show up as another Open Brush app on my Quest 3, right?
andybak3mo ago
Yes. It's probably broken at the moment however. Someone else reported it wasn't working and I haven't had time too check. And even when it is "working" - these are incomplete, buggy, experimental branches. There's a reason they aren't in the beta (yet)
nastyjmanOP3mo ago
Got it. Hope it gets attention. Have you seen some of Goro Fujita's post lately with Quill and layering it on real-life footage? Was wondering that Open Brush with an animation timeline could replicate that.
andybak3mo ago
Yep. We'd love that kind of functionality too. Hopefully someone will be interested enough to pick this up sooner than we can get around to it.
somnia_surfer3mo ago
Where does he post?
nastyjmanOP3mo ago
On IG. @goro.fujita
nastyjmanOP3mo ago
🎁☃️🎄Merry Christmas everyone! 🎄☃️🎁 Hope you are enjoying the holidays with your loved ones! - Daily Quillustration drawn and animated in VR using Quill, processed in After Effects, Maya and Premiere.
nastyjmanOP3mo ago
Also, wanted to ask if this has frame-by-frame animation. The video embedded was showing transform animation.
andybak3mo ago
nastyjmanOP3mo ago
So, I have some knowledge of programming in VBA and some C++ with Unreal. Could I try to help on this? lol. I'm not familiar with GitHub.
andybak3mo ago
You're welcome to help. It would probably be a good idea to do a few weeks of Unity/C# tutorials at the very least. This is kinda "jumping in the deep end" - it's a big, old codebase to work on as your first Unity project.
nastyjmanOP3mo ago
If I were to dabble in it, I won't be just looking at the "open-brush/Assets/Scripts/Animation" codes, right? I have to also look into the other libraries if they're causing the crashes and bugs.
andybak3mo ago
The code in that folder interacts with a lot of other code. It's best not to think in terms of folder. Learn to use your editor so you can follow the thread of activity between different parts of the codebase. I'd recommend Rider - it's very good for this kind of thing and it's an excellent editor to learn C# in as it gives a lot of hints and information. The only downside is most internet tutorials for Unity will probably use Visual Studio
nastyjmanOP3mo ago
Yeah, I'm familiar with VSCode.
andybak3mo ago
Nope. Not VSCode Visual Studio different app entirely
nastyjmanOP3mo ago
Oh, that one lol
andybak3mo ago
I don't recommend VSCode for Unity dev. It takes a lot of config to get even close to what Visual Studio does out of the box - let alone Rider. Editor vs IDE But arguing about the best editor/IDE is guaranteed to end badly. Any second now someone will pop up and mention Vim...
nastyjmanOP3mo ago
I haven't really delved deeper into IDEs and Editors. So far, I've only worked in VSCode and VBA Editor. This is the latest bug for this branch, right?
andybak3mo ago
I presume so
nastyjmanOP3mo ago
I' I'll have some learning to do. Quill is great, but it sucks that it's not being worked on anymore, just maintained. Also, AirLink is buggy for me, so it stutters a lot. So probably will devote some time diving into this. @andybak on Unity, do I create a New Project as Mixed Reality Core? Then when it's created, open the Scene?
andybak3mo ago
Do you remember the part where I said "It would probably be a good idea to do a few weeks of Unity/C# tutorials at the very least"? You shouldn't be even trying to look at Open Brush yet. And "a few weeks" was me being extremely optimistic. Not trying to put you off - but you shouldn't try and run before you can walk. You first need to understand the difference between scenes and projects, figure out which one Open Brush is - and get the basics of git. At least enough to know how to download the code correctly.
nastyjmanOP3mo ago
Will definitely do that. I did finally open it in Unity, but did get that "Git" error, and of course a slew of errors when it opened lol
nastyjmanOP3mo ago
No description
nastyjmanOP3mo ago
Success lol
nastyjmanOP3mo ago
No description
nastyjmanOP3mo ago
This is fascinating, seeing the inner workings of Open Brush. I can see that each stroke is labeled as Batch_0_1 and that the transform is set to zeroes. Now I'm trying to figure out where the real transform is for each stroke. Even if I don't get to help out, it's awesome seeing how the app works.
andybak3mo ago
If you work it out please explain it to me! I mainly get by by poking things until they start working. And I'm not even joking...
nastyjmanOP3mo ago
It's how I get things done too lol. And how I learn along the way as well. Holy crap. Why haven't I used Git and GitHub sooner! I had made a VR game without this, and I haven't touched it because the codebase got intimidating after I published it lol. I will focus on the animation branch first though, before I return to my game
nastyjmanOP3mo ago
If you're curious, here's the game I made
SkyStack on Meta Quest
SkyStack is a stacking game that escalates as you gain more levels by clearing four-by-four slates, with better scores for more slates cleared with a single block. Grab blocks at either wrists and place them on the gameboard, just before the timer runs out or else it becomes garbage.

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