Is this colour / fabric versatile?
Considering going MTM with Anglo Italian again. The last jacket / trouser combo is easily my best fitting piece of tailoring. Alternatively of their RTW offerings I'm tempted by the cav twill. I want something I can wear both casual and dress up for work where anything suit shaped is good enough. If I went MTM I'd probably do another glen check jacket in abraham moon tweed and odd pants.
10 Replies
Gonna be honest Elvander, your wardrobe is extensive enough that I doubt you need to worry about versatility and should just get what your heart desires.
Cav twill is cool. I think either are good choices but if obviously depends on your wardrobe and what you want exactly
My heart desires everything all at once, it's exhausting.
Also agree with chopper, you could easily go for something more unique if you have something you want
GSH dropped that glen check in a daily topic once and it's been a brain worm every since.
I think the RTW's selling point is the instant gratification.
Glen check and odd trousers is the obvious "I'll be able to mix and match with other things" answer.
Fair and sensible.
im always pro glen check
Anyway, to piggyback off of choppers initial answer: I think at some point in the wardrobe building process versatility ceases to be a useful metric and it becomes a lot more about uniqueness/the question "what does this garment do for me/allows me to express that my already existing garments do not?"
But ultimately just follow your heart
I like the mfad sanity check that I’m not going off the rails entirely. Some part of me wants the business suit orthodoxy but the heart definitely wants tweed.
I will be honest with you: I had to do a double take on the username when I read the question.
Glen Check in earth tones is pretty peak Elvander imo