I made some good progress on ModelBreakApartCommand today
I investigated how the app transforms the models that are grabbed, and I realized that empty nodes in a model that is imported into OB don't have the same meaning as they do in e.g Blender. In a DCC like Blender, you can set empty nodes to act as pivot points, but in OB, the pivot point is whereever you grab the object.
6 Replies
Yeah - from Open Brushes point of few - every ModelWidget is a root node.
The one exception to this is when you group models or strokes. Groups have their own transform.
However - we currently don't have nested groups - so that only adds a single level to the hierarchy.
Obviously non-broken apart models do have their own internal hierarchy. Maybe we can implement the inverse of "break apart" at some point.
@andybak what is your current status on feature/icosa-integration?
Not sure what you mean, exactly?
are you going to make any changes in the near future?
i noticed there were commits by you recently