Top of the Month: November 2024 - Topic of the day 12/3/24
Top of the month! Top of the month! Top of the month! Top of the month! Top of the month!
12 Replies
getting to top is so easy a literal baby can do it i think we gotta raise the threshold
Congrats again, Talbot! Hope you're getting some sleep in somehow and enjoying the time
short kings always getting the most reacts
One of my goals here is to get to #waywt-highlights , and then to one of these top of the month threads :linkBow:
Everyone remember to hug a printer today
I absolutely loved that pic. Sure, makes it harder to see specific details, but it was just so fun and expressive.
As a brand new dad I love this. No way I was so nicely dressed, it was pajamas and sweats for days!
full disclosure this month was great across the board - special commendation to baby @Talbot and the dueling princess di sweaters from @Twiggy and @pinkkea which feel perfectly styled for ther respective wearers
faves from top of
other faves pt 1 including but especially
other faves pt 2
also consider this a placeholder for a bunch of fits from @tun🌻 @epistrophy @Elvander @jawntanamo_bae @calla and @adaptation's hd camera