Custom page external CSS and JS
How do I include external Slick Carousel CSS and JS in the Filament custom page?
I have used it directly in a custom filament page, and it is working.
I want to know what is the right approach to include CSS and JS of the external Slick JS library so that I can not get a CSS and JS conflict issue.
I tried the following code in AppServiceProvider.php, but it does not seem to be working.
4 Replies
Thanks for your revert. I added all the CSS and JS as per your response in my filament custom page. and it is also working in my Livewire component too on initial loading, but when I am filtering data by company. It is not working. I have attached my Livewire component file for your reference. .
// filament custom page
//Filament custom page blade file
likely because the js isn't re-run on change since the dom has already been loaded
I think you need to have and overall watcher and dispatcher in place
Yes, js is not re run on chnage . I have dispatched an event on filter. but still it is not working
and in the blade file