Filament Deploy
Hello, iam using filament as a panel admin for my apps, but when i deploy it the infolist(the pop up modal in the table) and the image upload field is somehow broken(it cant upload a file and the filed also turn back to default html field)
32 Replies
are there any errors on the console?
i got this errors
change the app_url to https in the .env file
and probably asset_url too.
whre do i change the asset_url?
i already change the app_url
in the env file
dont forget to run npm run build and try to clear the caches
should i add a new line?
its working
thank u so much
@Bruno Pereira bro, can i ask again?
i got a problem
i cant upload the image, it stuck on "uploading"
what disk you're using?
local disk?
how do i know it?
in the env file
something like filesystem_disk or alike
what should i change it for?
my app url?
run php artisan storage:link
you probably need to create the sym link
whats that?
a command to run in the project folder on the server
i already run this
did it give an error or it was ok?
livewire.js?id=38dc8241:612 Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
it give this error
did you put the asset_url the same as the app_url?
try php artisan optimize:clear & php artisan filament:optimize-clear
i already run this
Then I'm out of ideas for that one. Never happened to me
i have another clue, so when its uploading it using http so it get blocked, i do use https on my site. do you know something?
it should be fixed with app_url and asset_url with https
yea its https already
can u tell me what to add and change in the .env when iam trying to deploy an app
if it's production you must
add or change
APP_ENV=change to something other than local (normally it's prod or production)
the rest is based on what your project is using
okay thank u very much man
no prob! Hope your problem gets fixed! Best of luck
thank you so much for helping