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10 Replies
andybakOP3mo ago
I recall that one of the main differences between GLTFast and UnityGLTF is how they handle scene root objects. I can dig out the details if that matters.
eerop3mo ago
yeah that'd be useful is Assets/ThirdParty/GlTF/ still used? Assets/ThirdParty/GlTF/NOTICE:
Imported from: https://github.com/alvani/Unity-glTF-Exporter

The MIT License

Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 Tony Parisi. All rights reserved.

Imported from: https://github.com/alvani/Unity-glTF-Exporter

The MIT License

Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 Tony Parisi. All rights reserved.

It seems to be a gltf exporter, but there's also some Tilt Brush code. So it's slightly modified to work with OB ah but it's only an editor tool right? And GLTFast/UnityGLTF are used for exporting during the game?
mikesky3mo ago
It’s the old exporter, which we still have active for now
andybakOP3mo ago
The old exporter is still used for a Icosa uploads As well as being the default glb format. newglb is a separate export
eerop3mo ago
wait, but do GLTFast/UnityGLTF only handle exporting while in the game? If I select a gameobject in the editor and export that as gltf, which exporter does that use?
andybakOP3mo ago
Don't know - i've never really tried exporting from the editor gui Most "Where is this used?" questions should be answerable by looking in your IDE
eerop3mo ago
just installed 😄
No description
andybakOP3mo ago
A trick I often use is to rename a class just to see what throws up an error
eerop3mo ago
what i found: - GLTFast can do import/export in both runtime and editor, and it creates and implements the menuitem "Assets/glTF" - GlTF_EditorExporter.cs (Tilt Brush license) creates and implements menuitems for exporting Open Brush strokes to gltf, e.g "Open Brush/glTF/Export Brush Strokes to glb v1" Docs TODO (https://docs.openbrush.app/docs-todo has 3d model import needs a lot of work explaining the pitfalls - although fixing the importer would also solve this! I could write docs for it as I think that would make it easier to work on the gltf stuff on feature/icosa-integration what do you think @andybak
andybakOP3mo ago
I think the hard part isn't writing the docs - it's unpicking what advice we should give. And a lot of that is currently locked away in my head. And a further complication is that the advice will probably change over time. 1. I don't think anyone cares about exporting GLTFs from the editor - that part doesn't need documenting 2. Exporting at runtime is about choosing between: a. the old GLTF format (if you're using the classic Unity SDK or uploading to Icosa) b newglb format via UnityGLTF c newglb via GLTFast If/when we decide to stop using GLTFast for exports we can make this a choice of a or b (i need to check if this is already the case! It's been weeks since i touched the export stuff and I've forgotten the current state of play) Importing is simpler - but we might change the default over to UnityGLTF. (note that the importer automatically falls back to the old old importer if it experiences an exception)

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