Filament5mo ago

How can I change the width of individual statsoverview stats?

Hey all, im trying to have a stats overview widget which consists of 2 stats to take up the full width, the problem is that I can't find out how.
protected function getStats(): array
return [
Stat::make('Unique views', '192.1k'),
Stat::make('Bounce rate', '21%'),
protected function getStats(): array
return [
Stat::make('Unique views', '192.1k'),
Stat::make('Bounce rate', '21%'),
okay if I for example have this basic stat it takes up 2/3 the width of the page. Instead of this I want it so that it takes up full space and not have 2 stats that take up each 1/3th of the page. I already tried to do something with the columspan, but that is for the whole widget, so then each takes 1/3 of the columnspan that has been asigned. If anyone can help me out to individually change the width, so I will be able to make them both take 50% of the width, or any other posible solution, it would be really appreciated.
5 Replies
yandos6665mo ago
Have you looked at getHeaderWidgetsColumns? you should be able to set the columns to 2 and then set columspan to 1 each
TjielOP5mo ago
I already tried doing something with getHeaderColumns but then the problem is that i can't change the individual size of the stats. So for example if I set the columns to 2 like this:
public function getHeaderWidgetsColumns(): int|string|array
return 2;
public function getHeaderWidgetsColumns(): int|string|array
return 2;
and then adjust the columnSpan in the stats widget like this:
protected int | string | array $columnSpan = 1;
protected int | string | array $columnSpan = 1;
Each stat will now only be 1/6 of the width. This is because the columnSpan variable is not for a single stat but instead for the whole widget. So it could work this way if there was a way to specify a columnspan for an individial stat. Which I can't seem to find.
Miguel García
Miguel García5mo ago
I'd recommend to customise the widget's grid : https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/panels/dashboard#customizing-the-widgets-grid Then set how many grid columns are used to display widgets in your new (dashboard) page
public function getColumns(): int | string | array
return 12;
public function getColumns(): int | string | array
return 12;
Finally, create as many overview widgets as you need with one stat each and set their column spam as you wish
protected int | string | array $columnSpan = [
'md' => 12,
'lg' => 6
protected int | string | array $columnSpan = [
'md' => 12,
'lg' => 6
paanblogger5mo ago
Since I dont use Panel & Resources , but only install filament widget , so , what I do is , I create custom blade file for my stats widget , then I copy file content from 'filament-widgets::stats-overview-widget' , and customize from that.
$columns = $this->getColumns();

<x-filament-widgets::widget class="fi-wi-stats-overview">
@if ($pollingInterval = $this->getPollingInterval())
wire:poll.{{ $pollingInterval }}
'fi-wi-stats-overview-stats-ctn grid gap-6',
'md:grid-cols-1' => $columns === 1,
'md:grid-cols-2' => $columns === 2,
'md:grid-cols-3' => $columns === 3,
'md:grid-cols-2 xl:grid-cols-4' => $columns === 4,
@foreach ($this->getCachedStats() as $stat)
{{ $stat }}
$columns = $this->getColumns();

<x-filament-widgets::widget class="fi-wi-stats-overview">
@if ($pollingInterval = $this->getPollingInterval())
wire:poll.{{ $pollingInterval }}
'fi-wi-stats-overview-stats-ctn grid gap-6',
'md:grid-cols-1' => $columns === 1,
'md:grid-cols-2' => $columns === 2,
'md:grid-cols-3' => $columns === 3,
'md:grid-cols-2 xl:grid-cols-4' => $columns === 4,
@foreach ($this->getCachedStats() as $stat)
{{ $stat }}
Then on the widget file , change
protected static string $view = '';
protected static string $view = '';
to the custom blade file
TjielOP4mo ago
@paanblogger Thanks for the help! This is exactly what I was looking for

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