My Bulkaction buttons do not fit in the table, can we add scroll?

As shown in the picture, the bulkactions do not fit on the page, can I add a scroll to them or how do I fit them? Another question is, as soon as the page is loaded, can I bring one of the records as selected so that the bulkaction buttons are always visible?
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9 Replies
Azad Furkan ŞAKAR
Gruplayabilirsin aslında, o şekilde denedin mi
Vp5mo ago
Hi, which theme you're using.. minimal or others? thanks
Mehmet K.
Mehmet K.OP5mo ago
Gruplamak değil aslında amacım ayrı ayrı görünmeleri gerekiyor da Minimal I don't use the group bulk actions
Miguel García
Miguel García5mo ago
You can change the overflow using the fi-ta-header hook class .fi-ta-header { overflow: scroll; overflow-y: hidden; }
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Miguel García
Miguel García5mo ago
or change the display to block instead of flex .fi-ta-header { display: block; }
Miguel García
Miguel García5mo ago
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Mehmet K.
Mehmet K.OP5mo ago
Can you describe exactly how to apply this css file?

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