mfad•5mo ago

How can I stop buying clothes so often?

Recently, as I've been trying to get more into fashion, I've been making more trips to charity shops and other places that sell clothes, or of course just browsing online on places like Vinted, which has led to a lot of buying clothes. I'll say that I've got enough clothes for now but it wouldn't be too long before I start buying again. How can I stop myself from buying a lot of the time?
25 Replies
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
Find ways to engage with fashion that aren't shopping. Learn more about the history of fashion, watch old runway shows, read articles. Learn to sew and/or knit. Create wishlists without actually buying things.
Soup•5mo ago
Also I think spend some more time on your inspiration to really get an idea what you want. Rather than going to the charity shop or online and getting excited because something has a certain label on it. You can have more direction from your inspiration. For example "i want to find a pair or pleated front cord trousers" or "I want to find a vintage sawtooth western shirt". Those are just examples but it can be helpful
SamOP•5mo ago
I think working on my inspo could be a good idea. I've not done it much recently. I've got my Pinterest board and my folder.
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Yakkeks•5mo ago
Frankly the first step in not buying stuff is not looking at stuff (that you can buy) in the first place
SamOP•5mo ago
yeah :bloberm: I find that to be pretty difficult
Yakkeks•5mo ago
I get that - we live in a society that constantly tries to get us to consume. I would recommend uninstalling or hiding the vinted app for a while and to not even go to the thrift store. I removed the vinted app from my home screen for that very same reason
awz5082•5mo ago
Do you have ADHD? Regardless, therapy is also a good help to build up processes to interrupt the need to spend
SamOP•5mo ago
i'm not diagnosed but i think i could 🤔
awz5082•5mo ago
Yeah I have ADHD and based on this and what I've seen in the chat you probably should get diagnosed Even if you're not, that's a good step to receiving professional care, since this is an addiction/regulation issue
SamOP•5mo ago
I'll try and get it done ASAP
TheVirt•5mo ago
Try to come up with interesting combinations of putting your existing clothes together Try things on and question whether things really don’t work well together, and if so, why
SamOP•5mo ago
That's also a pretty good idea. Trying what I've got. Actually, thinking about it I might go & visit the library for fashion stuff
Learn more about the history of fashion, watch old runway shows, read articles.
carrion•5mo ago
Chopper nailed it tbh. Engage with fashion on a level deeper than "brown shirt" and "jeans" and you'll find that your own style will develop much faster than grabbing whatever you find on sale. It's a process, and for some people it's a lifelong one
SamOP•5mo ago
Ok 🤔 How could I get started with this?
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
Vogue website has a ton of galleries of old runways. Lots of runway shows are on YouTube. Comme Des Garçons Autumn winter 2012 is a relatively recent one worth a look: https://youtu.be/Z__bygZQ8mY You can find some by googling "(name of designer) best shows" and reading articles in various fashion publications about the ones people like - which usually come with some description and explanation.
FashionWeek NYC
Comme des Garçons Fall 2012/2013 Full Fashion Show
Comme des Garçons Fall 2012/2013 Full Fashion Show
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
If you want to look at "everyday" items of clothes rather than runway stuff, there's tons written about the history of specific items. See here on jeans/denim: https://www.heddels.com/2020/10/history-denim-pt-1-serge-de-nimes-italian-sailors/
David Shuck
A History of Denim pt. 1 - Serge de Nimes and Italian Sailors
Denim is the thrust of what we discuss on Heddels – and our original namesake in Rawr Denim. It’s become...
SamOP•5mo ago
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SamOP•5mo ago
I think I'd be most interested in looking @ Ralph Lauren It's got that denim style that's appealing to me
SamOP•5mo ago
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Soup•5mo ago
also these two, probably some of the most shared images of Ralph
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Soup•5mo ago
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SamOP•5mo ago
🔥 The first image is probably something I could try and replicate with what I've got.
SamOP•5mo ago
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SamOP•5mo ago
So far I've successfully resisted the urge to head into any charity or clothing shops It's pretty difficult; I was thinking of going to a vintage shop to check for Carhartt jackets but then I remembered about not buying stuff :xd:

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