mfad6mo ago

Bow tie size check

I got this ready-to-wear bowtie with my tux jacket, and am wondering if it is appropriately sized. It feels a little small, but I'm not sure on bow tie guidelines and would appreciate any feedback!
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4 Replies
Holfram6mo ago
Bow tie size is pretty much only vibes based. I’d say this is fine but a touch bigger could give the look some more personality. I recommend going full on 70s big bow tie, personally.
Meaty,6mo ago
agreed. the bowtie here looks fine as is, but if you're having some fun with a velvet coat, having some personality in the bowtie would be nice
awburkey6mo ago
It looks fine but I agree I'd like a slightly bigger one
zeometer6mo ago
+1 for slightly bigger (maybe a little floppy too, if it's solid colored)

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