javascript questions

Hey, I have a few questions about Javascript: 1) what is the main difference between arrow functions and normal functions? Is there any benefits to using one over the other? 2) what do constructors such as let x = new Function() or let x = new Map() mean? Using the second example, is this just a different way of writing => {…})?
3) what is the difference between writing Array.prototype.toString for example over x.toString()? 4) are there more to callback functions rather than them representing individual items? For example, item would represent the individual items in the list below
x = [1, 2, 3]

x.filter(item => {
return item < 3
x = [1, 2, 3]

x.filter(item => {
return item < 3
I’d appreciate any help. Thank you in advance.
16 Replies
ἔρως4w ago
1- arrow functions cant be hoisted, can't access the arguments variable and the this doesnt change 2- it means you can create a new instance of the prototype 3- the difference is that Array.prototype.toString() will always throw an exception, while x.toString() will only throw when x is null or undefined the correct way is<array comes here>, <arguments> (either .call or .apply, depends) that will do array-specific string transformations, which, in this case, it's the same as .join('') x.toString() will call whatever method is defined in the prototype of the value in x and that goes down the prototype chain 4- there is A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT more promises, regex, fetch/ajax, events, blob and canvas stuff and much much more
Jochem4w ago
to add to 2: Function() and Map() are constructors, which will return an instance of a class when called with new. The second example has nothing to do with the array method .map
snxxwyy4w ago
Thank you for the explanations. Just a few add-on questions from that: what do you mean hoisted? Why might you want to create a new instance of a prototype? What exception would the .prototype one throw even if nothing is wrong?
ἔρως4w ago
.map is (usually) a method in array, to loop through them and change the value in each "cell"
snxxwyy4w ago
Ah okay. And thank you jochem for the clarification
ἔρως4w ago
"hoisted" means that you can use it before it is declared, and the javascript language is smart enough to move the declaration before the use for example:
let x = add2(5);

function add2(num) {
return num + 2;
let x = add2(5);

function add2(num) {
return num + 2;
you cant do that to an arrow function arrow functions also dont have a name and are always anonymous and i forgot to mention: arrow functions have an implicit return and dont need parenthesys around the arguments if there's only 1 argument for example: _=>_ is a function that, when called , returns the value in the first argument (_ is usually used as a name of an argument you can ignore or no specific meaning) "a new instance of a prototype" is what jochem said: an instance of a class but classes are syntactic sugar for prototypes instead of you doing something like this:
function Cat(name) {
let _name = name;

return {
getName: function() {
return _name;
function Cat(name) {
let _name = name;

return {
getName: function() {
return _name;
you do something like this:
class Cat {

constructor(name) {
this.#name = name;

function getName() {
return this.#name;
class Cat {

constructor(name) {
this.#name = name;

function getName() {
return this.#name;
the Array.prototype.toString will throw an error because it will try to use an instance of Array but it cant so, it throws an error actually, i was wrong... this is an exception to the """"rule"""" it will always return an empty string try Array.prototype.toString(123) (or any other value) to do what you want, you have to use[123]) if you pass anything else other than an array, it returns the infamous "[object Object]" (or the name of the prototype instance instead of object)
glutonium4w ago
also another thing about arrow fn vs normal ones, i believe is when u create methods in class,
using normal function
it doesn't duplicate the function for each instance of that class. all instances would have a reference to that function of the base class
using arrow function
it does create copies of the function for each instances now i read it while ago, so i would still suggest that u look it up again
ἔρως4w ago
normal functions arent copied because they are in the prototype and the this then is changed to point to the current instance arrow functions are always assigned to a variable, so, the value has to always be copied
snxxwyy4w ago
Apologies for the late reply everyone. Thank you for all the information, I’ll look more into all of these things
ἔρως4w ago
don't look into all these things seriously, you shouldn't even think about prototypes it's a massive headache and 50 grades above your level not to say that you're bad at it, but, it gets super weird and super complicated and nuanced just stick to classes
snxxwyy4w ago
That’s fair enough. They’re probably something I’ll pick up along the way. I assume you don’t need to know most of these things to get by as a frontend dev right? Or do you?
Jochem4w ago
you might, but you need a solid background in a lot of other stuff first. Worry about it later
snxxwyy4w ago
So just stick to nailing the basics and understanding those concepts atm?
Jochem4w ago
Well, build stuff with the basics, but yes Usually whenever you mess with prototypes, you're either writing some package for others to use, or you're misusing Array.prototype or String.prototype to make them do something they were never intended to do
snxxwyy4w ago
Alright that’s understandable
ἔρως4w ago
the only "acceptable" one is Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty(), which if required if you create a prototype-less object with Object.create(null)
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