How do you build an outfit? - Topic of the day 9/17/24

How do you approach building an outfit? Do you start with one item you want to wear that day (for example footwear) and build from that? Start with a style or colour theme?
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38 Replies
Smiles3d ago
raisinpie3d ago
I put on what I like and don't put on what I don't like
kyn3d ago
the shoes are the foundat-
Smiles3d ago
I start with an item and by the time of brainstorming i no longer am wearing that item half the time a lot of the time i think about a vibe i wanna reference and pick clothes to do so
metcarfre3d ago
If rain = yes then blundstones If rain = no then NBs
Esper3d ago
i build a fit based on vibes carefully selecting pieces that go together with extra attention paid to silhouette and texture then i realize it's 29c outside and put on gym shorts instead
sam3d ago
yeah i usually think to myself "i haven't worn xyz type outfit in a while" and make/reuse that type of outfit
metcarfre3d ago
Sniff test
zeometer3d ago
honestly lately it's "i see a reference image and figure out how to duplicate it"
damb3d ago
The weather / season
zeometer3d ago
otherwise vibes or clothes rotation - i try to cycle through things regularly so i don't end up wearing out or hating something through continued use
rej3d ago
Pant choice informs shoe choice. Shoe choice informs top choice Top choice informs jacket choice If rain, blundstones
goofus3d ago
I first start by looking at the weather
Uzi3d ago
I think about what I wore the other day and try repeating it with a slight twist. If I wore shorts I’d wear short shorts. If I wore a graphic tee I’d wear the same graphic tee with a long sleeve shirt underneath The Japanese call it kaizen a long but continuous improvement to my fit I also have a mental look book of my most complimented items and try to wear them as long as I can
eggtart!3d ago
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