grid minmax | minimum size
Hey, i've seen, and use myself, the minimum for the minmax function being
for responsive grids. This works great for a viewport size of 320px
without overflow, but for devices smaller (i'm looking at minimum 280px
), it overflows due to it being a fixed value, i'm surpised it's taken me this long to notice that haha. I've tried replacing it with minmax(min(100%, 16rem), 1fr)
but that doesn't seem to work. Does anyone have a recommended solution? Thanks in advance. Replies
It works just fine for me

now it does not overflow
ah yeah when i view it the same as you are it doesn't overflow either. I checked via the responsive tab, it overflows there for some reason?
Click that button "insert the most common meta tag" and open debug mode

and then it wont overflow

oh that's interesting, i didn't know that was a thing, learnt something new there, thank you.
You find debug mode here

No problem 🙂
ah was just looking for that, thanks again 🙂