Brand Spotlight: ESSENTIALS - Topic of the day 9/13/24
"Jerry Lorenzo launched Fear of God in 2013. Standing alongside the mainline is ESSENTIALS - a core collection of neutral basics with the signature FOG ESSENTIALS logo. Its line of hoodies, sweats and tracksuits have become status symbols in their own right." (copied from FOG ESSENTIALS press) How do you feel about ESSENTIALS? Are they worth the branding? The price? The supporting Jerry Lorenzo? I'm sure y'all have plenty of thoughts, have at it.

270 Replies
jerry lorenzo sucks the brand sucks essentials are terrible quality if you wear essentials we gotta kill you
Fuck Jerry Lorenzo
not interested
Name says it all doesn’t it
Never leave home without
more like fear of good
lost me at status symbols
$100 hoodie as a status symbol sure
One of the brands of all time for sure
genuinely better off buying reps
Essentials is called that because it is essential to wear them when grinding for emerald in league
i only ever see rich frat boys in essentials
this is what people in vancouver wear to go hiking
Essentials falls in the range of being a starter pack esque brand to me where I tend to associate it with people starting to dabble with fashion
This is the only brand I’ve ever seen discussed on TOTD that I have also seen my middle school students wearing.
can you guys catch me up on why the guy is so shitty? i’ve never heard about this (not a fan of the brands aesthetic to begin with but just curious)
extremely and publicly homophobic basically
he lost his nike deal over it because of what he said on socials
he's a christian fundamentalist iirc
straight pride stuff
hence the name
Ohhh my god lmao
He’s a goober that hates gays and rips off smaller designers
his clothing is also like genuinely dookie butt quality for the price
Is the short answer
Just a real fuck
Unfortunately I feel like essentials is an end point in fashion. People who get decked out in essentials tend to just stay in essentials
Also, he’s got the most punchable face I’ve ever seen but that’s beside the point I guess
I'm getting the vibe this guys not liked
Him and Michael Kors, the most punchable faces in fashion
Sorry, “fashion”
Yeah I said that more generously but it could go either way
Cuz I was basically wearing FMF/MFA starter pack back in the days
And it was terrible!
Well I try not to socialize with anyone wearing essentials
Essentials x cdg converse is a funny flex to me because everyone knows that each item is exactly $135
true i appreciate that i can spot somebody wearing essentials and in 90% of cases make an accurate judgement call about their personality
if u wear essentials I hate u
am I judging a book by it's cover? yes. But fashion is communication and wearing essentials is starting a conversation i'd rather not participate in.
ian just hates asians actually
If Ian hates Asians me too
Don’t stop Asian hate
I’m just kidding obviously

essentials is the cyber truck of fashion
Although I understand the sentiment against FOG/Essentials
I find the general attitude in this totd icky, assumptions can be made based on what a majority of this server wears the same way assumptions can be made for those who wear this brand
It just comes off as snobby, pretentious, elitist, etc.
With that said, I would never buy anything from this brand but I think the circle jerk hate is whack
god forbid we harbor a little hate in our heart
God forbid someone wears something besides prl or Salomon or milsurp
Fear of God Forbid
But I'm not here to defend fog, I could really care less - I just find the general response a bit distasteful
I do make assumptions about these brands, im an equal opportunity hater
And I think that's what I'm getting at
Equal hate everywhere pls
Largely unnecessary totd but also it would be against the ethic of the server to not do a little shitposting in a christian fundamentalist brand thread
half the server wants to dress like culturally insensitive white people
yeah idk i feel like the context here matters a lot
tbf i just hate lorenzo and think essentials is boring
Excellent deescalation smiles
tbf im just a hater in general
am I wrong
i dont really think it's equal to compare a salomon guy vs a essential guy at all
i think with essentials the judgement gets passed because it is purely a flex brand that is ran by a violent homophobe
I personally want to dress like a artsy quirked up white boy can’t speak for the rest of us
I'll give him props that occassionally FOG mainline has cool clothes
FOG essentials is CDG play level
I mean as someone who has to see if someone is homophobic it’s a pretty good indicator if someone is or tolerates homophobia
stupid brand
like i make judgements about every brand or aesthetic i see but essentials is a case where the ownership of it says a lot, akin to a cybertruck or whatever icky flex piece first comes to mind for you
i don't think it's snobby or elitist to judge people for giving money to a bigot
Yea I will judge everyone bc it’s something you decide to put forth
Feel like most folks who wear essentials just tryna be comfy and don't actually know they're supporting a vocal homophobe
I think with how many people love kapital in this server
Not All Jerryboys
"But the guy who runs the brand is bigotted"
is not a real defense here lol
Can’t you say this about Yeezys though
like if you are consistent im happy and proud
Yes, most ppl don't know or care about the politics of who makes their clothing
but there are so many shitty designers in fashion
My issue isn’t that people care about the designer of essential
who don't get this hate
I think Kanye West’s opinions are also much more widely known than Jerry
This brand is banned in Europe lol
It’s just that the people who do consistently wear essentials come off horribly
As someone who lives in Northern California
And went to a college that was plurality Asian
I got to see a lot of the type of people wearing essentials
And a lot of it was paired with Yeezys
Essential wearers 🤝 flexing sneakerheads
Bigotry Japan smiles it’s different
I’m just saying a lot of choice slurs came out of these people
could you expand on this? haven't encountered it before
Who cares about making fun of people with money and no taste
do you mean kapital's racist stuff?
Bauhaus joggers
The neo nazi photo shoot and the multitudes of racist appropriation of native american culture are kapital's bread and butter
stop lmfao
Am I wrong
😭😭 no not at all, not a fan of rick joggers in general
bauhaus hardware in general is a miss for me
Anyways I think any critique of 88rising fans applies to essentials wearers
And you can take that however you will like
woah leave midsummer madness out of this
yeah the appropriation side is clear, i hadn't seen the neo nazi stuff before
they did a nazi punk photo shoot one time
like it was extra stupid cause they could have just done a normal punk shoot
but they just had to do nazi punks
It’s not even like Japan doesn’t understand the implication because…. History
I do think it's not quite fair to draw a direct line of comparison between cultural appropriation and christian fundamentalism
the scales of bigotry are very different between the two
Are you familiar with the seaside bakery discourse on tiktok
not to argue in favour of appropriation of course
That's what essentials remind me of rn
seaside boba valorant keshi
I just think there are a lot of anti-semetic/racist/homophobic fashion designers who don't get Lorenzo's hate
Can we rank all the brands from most to least bigoted please
It's fucking nuts lol
Would be very helpful for me
No im not on TikTok
Italian 😭
I don't see many people talking about MM the same way even though Galliano went on a super anti-semetic rant
we should do a totd on galliano lol
It's a local west coast bagel shop that basically became a west coast Asian gathering place and there's like a huge line of Asians gawking at or making tiktoks
That place might unironically be a essentials fashion show
or Givenchy/Dior when he was at them
I went to a meetup of valorant people from another server im on and a couple came in with full essentials lmao
galliano did a lot of work to make amends / fix his behaviors so i think it's not the same as jerry
but that is another can of worms
also margiela under him goes hard so
he gets a pass :KappaPenis:
yes I don't think Galliano is like, evil actually, I do like MM, but I think in general there are a lot of designers in fashion who are horrible people
There’s a dessert shop in the mission (very large Latino population) here in SF that only has East Asians and it’s really funny bc they don’t go anywhere else in the neighborhood
but make interesting clothes so people give em more of a pass
i think we should figure out the line of how good your clothes have to be before people start cancelling you en masse
Also kanye still gets invites to a fuckton of runway shows from various designers
#1 - American Milsurp
What’s your gosha hot take
diddy party
@Digs hit the button
Clothing overtake the controversy or no
hell nooo
I love the big Russian flag merch lmao
It’s so funny
Bc it’s made by gosha
And it’s Russian
he made a good turtleneck and rod the wave until he got cancelled
I actually like rassvet
ERD communism boots
now that is
But I can’t like him
a good judgement brand
I'm generally hesitant to judge people on clothing choices. I'm into fashion and I honestly knew about the the existence of this brand through the discord so I doubt people not into fashion know it's backstory
Punching up is way easier
Your brain isn’t rotten enough yet benj but you’ll get there dw
idk fashion is such a communicative medium like how can u be like reserved about it
Fog makes sweats, ppl generally not trying to signal anything in sweats and slides
tbf i do judge on how you dress cause imo thats like, what fashion is about
but like trying to not signal is totally a form of signaling
expression and judgement
i just dont think that is a Thing in clothes
Yeah it’s just popular so people buy it
I bought a pair of essentials sweats and a big sweater from ssense on a stupid deep discount and they feel like dogshit
Im certain that’s the thought process for many people
Banned for homophobia
Normal People don't think like this, it's the brain worms at least a little you gotta admit
ya i mean i think essentials is more like CDG play where people know nothing about FOG in general they just buy it cause they know the name
Like I see essentials hoodies all the time
Idk why wear $100 essentials when you can just wear regular sweats
stop judging my brainworms
If I need a hoodie and I don’t have the brainworms essentials is probably at the top of my mind
And don’t say to copy other people
Because who are these other people they’re copying?
It goes from the top
who even popularized essentials now that i think abt it
Online ceramics sells at this price point
Justin Bieber
oh no
I do think the jerry lorenzo hate is funny tho im ngl like
Sad to say it's true
Online ceramics has unique designs though
He popjlarized FoG
I don’t think he did essentials
I mean online ceramics has 2 shapes, tshirt or hoodie
Online Ceramics is completely safe and unproblematic right
No weird opinions over there
Also I also get annoyed at people who wear OC
Sounds like we're just kinda bitchy
Yea ofc we’re a fashion server
That’s what’s fun about talking about clothes online
We judge people lmao
i'm a bitch
no ian you're brat
It's the same design placement everytime though I wouldn't call it unique
Now who’s being elitist…
Jk fuck OC
If I see u in OC ik u like nature, god, or grateful dead
If I see u in essentials ik u like homophobia, deep discounts, and sweats
simple as
most people i see wearing milsurp are punks and shit
Oh jesus
The joke is that america and the American military is bad
Several people are tying...
I mean that if someone sees an OC shirt and doesn’t know what it is, the unique artwork can appeal to them
ohhh! well if it’s milsurp its usually not worn by the intended person
the punk thread in milsurp comes mostly from the vietnam war
Vietnam War is Brat
i mean not really, times change, new wars fought. i’ve seen a decent chunk of punks rocking digicam and desert storm era cuz of that
I mean thats where it started
Yes but who manufactured those clothes
That’s the bit
anyway its just a joke about the DOD being the clothing manufacturer ya
punks in digicam is so funny to me I'm sorry
ya digicam looks like ass
they forgot to consider the swag level when the changed to it
we used to be a country
the desert storm era stuff is cool tho
imo camo is cool when it looks like a good pattern and less like camo
like flecktarn
what did u just call me
camo is cool when it’s fashion over function basically
ya :)

but like that’s very opposing to the point of camp
dont worry about it
Fear of Staying On Topic
Bape abc camo 👁️👄👁️
very happy the us army switched back to a non digicam so i can grab them for dirt cheap when they flood milsurp places
Okay. Yay 💜
can we stop having wars in deserts i look better in greens then tans
If y'all love the military industrial complex so much why are my size 34 strichtarn cargos still sitting unsold hmm???
how much
Which country got the most beautiful foliage we should discover oil there
Like ten beans!! Idk!!!
cans or individual
@Salvatore private sales are prohibited in this server
haha just kidding
Oh swag
begging Venezuela to invade Guyana
aw man we can’t finish our medieval bartering for pants
oh wait yeah we can
oh yeah essentials
i don’t know much about them tbh
but they remind me of my younger years………..
Was this from the first or second lava war
very very silly, i've condisered getting one because its so stupid tho
back in my middle school days the hottest shit was supreme hoodies. simple flat designs that would irritate many to their core
Rip supreme hoodies made in Canada
i am going to pop into this totd with unprecedented levels of galliano hate and also all of the funny anecdotes from dana thomas's book on him
Has he actually made amends for the antisemitism
Bcuz I don't see that on Wikipedia
Iconic couplet i'm afraid
I dunno shit about this brand but somebody tagged me in here so fuck you or i agree with you whatever applies
it was a good take and you agree with it
He said it was because of his alcoholism and not because he’s actually anti Semitic or racist
And then he did some photo shoots with a rabbi
That was kinda it
you can just @ me
I am an alcoholic and not anti semitic checkmate
It was one of the most fascinating ‘nuh uh’ pr strategies I’ve ever seen
I’m amazed it worked
People are happy to forgive you if they already love the thing you make
FOG Essentials is just Represent for Americans
I actually had no idea until this topic
it’s an ugly camo
if you wear camo but it’s an ugly camo I judge you more than wearing essentials tbh
Need some yzy rhodesian camo
Its a rad camo but completely unwearable because
Dont give him any ideas
what does strichtarn have to do with rhodesia?
I hated Yeezy stuff before he came out as a shitbag. Ugly shoes, bad music
Rhodesian forces used it in the bush war
the pattern most used by Rhodesian forces
RhodesIAN :thinkbutt:
i thought rhodesian brushstroke was their thing
the more u know
Evil has many masks

interesting yeah i knew it was german just didn't know the connection there
@Salvatore you have some explaining to do
Its east german though so the communism and facism cancel out
Describing East Germany as “communism” is insane
Twas merely a joke bb
FOG thread hard pivot into fascist camo
ya I know
Its the natural evolution
Fear of Globalization
Next topic of the day: which is easier to reclaim, strichtarn or FOG essentials?
Me coming back to this thread :monkaS:
Essential Strichtarn
look I just think essentials in giant block letters looks dumb ok if u wanna be like "all designers" go off
Yeah the branding and the owner are my only issue with it
I ain't reading the rest of this thread but essentials is an enigma to me . No idea how it's as big as it is but I seek to understand because the team behind it has nailed how to sell basic shit in a way nobody else in the last decade has
I think it's kind of a it's not that deep situation
Like people just buy it bc it has name recognition
My brother has essentials too
It feels like the Uniqlo of streetwear in a way to me
It is that deep though because fog isn't a big brand. How'd they get that initial hype
fog was a massive streetwear brand for a long time tho
They came up when pyrex fell
Idt most essentials wearers know about Lorenzo and his problematic takes
I didn't even know until today because I don't pay attention to most brands in that way
How can you judge me you can't even see me
well well well

strichtarn one of worst camos for practicality
we can all see you sorry
fake news
man this thread took off alot more than I thought it would
hater threads always take off
tomorrow better not be some milquetoast feelgood topic after this zinger of a read
Don’t worry