Nuxt5mo ago

Nuxt /app Pages Not Detecting API Route from /server Directory

Hello, I am using the new Nuxt /app directory structure for pages, but unfortunately, these pages are not able to detect the /server/api/auth/register.ts API route. I'm receiving the following warning in the console:
WARN [Vue Router warn]: No match found for location with path "/api/auth/register"
WARN [Vue Router warn]: No match found for location with path "/api/auth/register"
Any insights on how to resolve this issue?
7 Replies
Ahm@OP5mo ago
app/pages/auth/register.vue file scripts:
async function onSubmit(data: any) {
isLoading.value = true;
try {
const { data: response, error } = await useFetch('/api/auth/register', {
method: 'POST',
body: { name: data.name, email: data.email, password: data.password },

if (error.value) {
userMessage.value = 'Registration failed. Please try again.';
toast.add({ title: userMessage.value, icon: 'i-heroicons-x-circle', color: 'red' });
} else {
userMessage.value = 'Registration successful.';
toast.add({ title: userMessage.value, icon: 'i-heroicons-check-circle', color: 'green' });
isSuccess.value = true;
} catch (err) {
console.error('Registration error:', err);
userMessage.value = 'Something went wrong. Please try again.';
toast.add({ title: userMessage.value, icon: 'i-heroicons-x-circle', color: 'red' });
} finally {
isLoading.value = false;
async function onSubmit(data: any) {
isLoading.value = true;
try {
const { data: response, error } = await useFetch('/api/auth/register', {
method: 'POST',
body: { name: data.name, email: data.email, password: data.password },

if (error.value) {
userMessage.value = 'Registration failed. Please try again.';
toast.add({ title: userMessage.value, icon: 'i-heroicons-x-circle', color: 'red' });
} else {
userMessage.value = 'Registration successful.';
toast.add({ title: userMessage.value, icon: 'i-heroicons-check-circle', color: 'green' });
isSuccess.value = true;
} catch (err) {
console.error('Registration error:', err);
userMessage.value = 'Something went wrong. Please try again.';
toast.add({ title: userMessage.value, icon: 'i-heroicons-x-circle', color: 'red' });
} finally {
isLoading.value = false;
server/api/auth/register.post.ts file:
import bcrypt from 'bcryptjs';
import { createJWT } from '~/server/utils/jwt';
import User from '~/server/models/User';

export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
const { email, password, name, role } = await readBody(event);

const existingUser = await User.findOne({ email });
if (existingUser) {
throw createError({
statusCode: 400,
statusMessage: 'User already exists.',

const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(password, 10);

const user = new User({
password: hashedPassword,
role: role || 'customer',

await user.save();

const token = createJWT(user.email);

await setAuth(event, token);

return { success: true, user: { email: user.email, role: user.role } };
import bcrypt from 'bcryptjs';
import { createJWT } from '~/server/utils/jwt';
import User from '~/server/models/User';

export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
const { email, password, name, role } = await readBody(event);

const existingUser = await User.findOne({ email });
if (existingUser) {
throw createError({
statusCode: 400,
statusMessage: 'User already exists.',

const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(password, 10);

const user = new User({
password: hashedPassword,
role: role || 'customer',

await user.save();

const token = createJWT(user.email);

await setAuth(event, token);

return { success: true, user: { email: user.email, role: user.role } };
Artist2015mo ago
Please use this when sharing code How to Create a Coloured Code Block: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-format-text-into-code-block-on-discord/
How to Format Text Into Code Block on Discord
Here are the following steps to format text into code block on discord : Step 1: Open Discord ;Step 2: Navigate to the server;
Artist2015mo ago
As for the error Are you sure you saved the file And maybe try to restart the dev server Typically that's when I face this issue
Ahm@OP5mo ago
yes I saved it, I tried rebooting but it didn't work. the new nuxt system includes the contents in the app folder and does not see the server folder in the root folder when I take everything out of the app folder it works fine, it's weird. when defining the path I tried things like ../ or ~/ but again it didn't work.
Artist2015mo ago
Oh, you are using the nuxt4 patch ? The server folder should not be inside the app folder
Artist2015mo ago
Vue Mastery
Upgrading to Nuxt 4 | Vue Mastery
Nuxt 4 introduces performance upgrades and API consistency. Learn about the new folder structure, caching data, and other changes in this tutorial.
Artist2015mo ago
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