url redirect not working
I am trying to create a redirect to a view page but this isn't working in laravel filament 3.
18 Replies
chuck ->action(fn() => '') on the end, does it work now?
What do you mean
Not working
App\Filament\Widgets\LatestOrders::App\Filament\Widgets{closure}(): Argument #1 ($record) must be of type App\Filament\Widgets\Order, App\Models\Order given, called in C:\xampp\htdocs\nextxlecom\vendor\filament\support\src\Concerns\EvaluatesClosures.php on line 35
So now it is working, but the binding is wrong. What are the actions on
No it is not working
you need
use App\Models\Order;
as the import at the top of the fileNo I already have that. That is not the issue
Your sentence didn't complete
can't think of any other reason it would be wanting an Order model in the Widgets namesapce.
or add
at the top of the file.
should also be explicit with the url data:
On the top
Does it work if you remove the type hint for the record?
It works now
But I had that code at the start
Thanks man
then something is off with your namespacing.
It is working now
but if it works, then great
Thanks man
But on my other page I have the same issue
But this solution doesn't work