Doubt Regarding relationship between time and velocity
In this question, we have to find avg velocity.. but to calculate total time, why is everyone following (time = distance/speed), why can't it be (time = displacement/velocity) ? And another thing, isnt constant speed the same as constant velocity?

7 Replies
@Gyro Gearloose
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to close the thread when your doubt is solved. Mention the users who helped you solve the doubt. This will be added to their stats.In circular path velocity changes
So speed is taken and displacement for one rev is 0
And constant speed isn’t the same as constant velocity because in constant speed it doesn’t matter which direction u take but it does matter in case of velocity
No, velocity changes at every instant.
Because direction changes.
Hence, we consider speed because that is constant, and find time according, taking displacement as 2R.
Ouu haa baat toh sahi hain thankss
+solved @727 @stormycloud @RDES
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