Cloud height is set by the dimension, even in extreme cases

On DH 2.2.0-a, cloud heights are set based on the height of the dimension. In extreme cases such as servers with datapacks that increase the max build height to 2048 to effectively uncap it, this puts clouds high enough to look like part of the skybox, and also causes very obvious far plane clipping. From what I could find, there's no setting to override cloud height to counteract this. To reproduce, install this datapack:
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4 Replies
Miki_P987mo ago
Far clip plane should expand with the cloud height (That is a feature request, not how it is now, or right now it does not work the best)
BackSun7mo ago
I'm hesitant to increase the far clip plane since it can cause corrupted rendering when at extreme render distances. And I can't lower the clouds since they render a fixed distance above the max world height to prevent LODs from intersecting with vanilla blocks. If this wasn't done then clouds would render behind blocks that should be in front of them.
Miki_P987mo ago
Then you can always make it an option, FAR PLANE Cloud Correction
Easyidle123OP3mo ago
Confirming this is still an issue on 2.3.0-b-RC2

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