How to see the file uploaded using ->url()?
I already linked my storage, so it was on public/storage and I know laravel have a safety about accessing the url of public/storage. I would like to know how can I access the file via url as logged in user?
7 Replies
Would you like to show a image column?
You can also use the Storage facade, like this
not an image but a pdf file
a link to download it?
Here, this is the table of the resources. so what I would like to happen is when I try to click the file it will open new tab to view the entire pdf using the built-in browser reader

Thanks man!
@Leandro Ferreira Use of unknown class: 'App\Filament\Resources\Storage'PHP(PHP0413)
what to import?
ah I already figured out. use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;