import Action method examples does not exist.
I'm trying to add multiple examples to the CSV file, but I'm getting an error saying 'method examples does not exist.'
Please find below the flare link and attachment of my code .
6 Replies
Please prpvide the stack trace
it is saying examples does not exist.
Where did you get that from? and can you run php artisan about
I suspect your filamentphp version is out of date since examples was added on the 10/06/2024
Yes, this issue occurred in my Laravel version 10.48, but after updating to Laravel version 11.21, the method examples are now being detected properly.
it wasn't laravel it was your filamentphp version.
Please check the attached screen shot for your reference .

you are around 50 versions behind filament, so please update
Thank you for your time; the issue has been resolved.