33 Replies
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to close the thread when your doubt is solved. Mention the users who helped you solve the doubt. This will be added to their stats.@iTeachChem sir please help
Option D?
Nah answer is A
Although I got D as well
You probably used Debroglie's equation right?
Here we get 2 different answers depending on if use debroglie or photoelectric effect
I think since it has mentioned KE you probably gotta use photoelectric effect wala eqn .
Yes the question wants us to use photoelectric
Although this doesnt explain why we are getting 2 diff answers depending on method
@Neko i think I've got it wait ha
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@Neko put KE=P^2/2m
And neglect work function since it won't have any effect.
You get your answer then
I tried using PV/2 lmaooo I was wrong then did ulta p^2/2m is more standard form. So yes
I know that we will get the right answer this way but please try using debroglie
Transcription requested by Neko
एक equation y equal to mx है, दूसरी equation y equal to mx plus c है, so you can't use the same thing, when you use lambda equal to h by p, you are basically taking y equal to m by x, not mx, whatever, and दूसरा equation h new, take it as this thing, h new equal to h2 not plus half k, right, so you have to account for that work function, which is why you have to use that equation, I hope that makes sense.
But the question specifically says to neglect work function so we can use both equations here
Lemme see
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Right, right, right, sorry, I missed that. Even in that case, photon key energy is h nu, whereas electron key energy is not that because electron has mass. So conversion of momentum from there, let me think about it, this lambda equal to h by T makes sense for an electron.
I tried putting p=√2mEk
But D niklega waise . Maybe I'm not that smart ig or there is some theory part that I am missing maybe .
Haan at first wohi Kiya par bande ko de broglie se answer chahiye
So debroglie se toh nhi nikal Raha Mera . Either I'm missing some theory or kuch gadbad kardiya Maine . Lmao
@Neko here u go. I was thinking the same but phrasing nhi karpaya my bad .
Transcription requested by Neko
मैं समझा नहीं, किसको डिब्रॉय से answer चाहिए? Some teacher asked this question, you know what? You can't get from Dibroi's equation, because Dibroi का idea है कि dual nature of matter, बढ़ हम लोग उस चीज़ की बात ही नहीं कर रहे हैं हम लोग, हम लोग फोर्टान की wavelength की बात कर रहे हैं, this is dual nature of light, but not the second nature, we are not talking about momentum of light, we are talking about momentum of electron and we are talking about wave nature of light, तो you have to use photoelectric effect.
I see
Now I understand why debroglie gives us wrong answer
Nice question, they mentioned the work function so the question will be fishy lol, so yah take photoelectric effect and neglect the work function the answer comes to ur door step
Is this a coaching book?
2019 pyq
Yah I saw that, but was curious whther it was a coaching book or something else lol :]

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