Logo upload not working in dashboard
Hi! I hope I'm not repeating other issues here. I've found a few similar ones, but those seemed to be for self-hosted.
In the dashboard, I get an error trying to upload a logo. I get an error message pop up saying
"Failed to upload branding image: Cannot GET /v1/storage/upload-url?extension=png&type=BRANDING"
The steps I take are: Open profile settings => Navigate to branding page => click upload => select image to upload

8 Replies
Thanks for sharing. Sharing with the team.
This issue is fixed in this PR
I will keep you updated when we release this on prod
thank you!!
@lena_dooms, you just advanced to level 3!
@lena_dooms this is now fixed in prod. Let me know if you see this issue again.
it is working well for us now, thank you for the quick action!
Thanks for the update 🙌🏻